Best Small Places for Business and Careers 2019

El Centro, CA

El Centro, CA
the place image

El Centro, CA

El Centro, CA
gross metro product
median household income
median home price
cost of living
5% below nat'l avg
college attainment
net migration
-320 (year: 2018)
major industries
Agribusiness, Transportation
job growth
0.8% (year: 2018)
As of October 2019
The city is home to Imperial Valley College, a local 2-year college, and an extension of San Diego State University located in nearby Calexico. While the majority of the residents in this community are Hispanic, there is a diverse population with a wide array of interests. Many area residents live in both the United States and Mexico and go across the border frequently. The nearby Algodones Dune, the largest dune field in the U.S., draws thousands of visitors each year, mainly for off-road driving. The El Centro Naval Air
Station to the west of the city is home to the annual Blue Angels flight maneuvering event.
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On forbes lists
In Cost of Doing Business
In Job Growth
In Education
By The Numbers
EmploymentHousingEducationQuality of Life
Job Growth
0.8% (year: 2018)
Projected Annual Job Growth
Median Household Income
Household Income Growth
High-Tech Employment
  • Data is for the metro area
  • Sources: Moody's Analytics; Sperling's BestPlaces; U.S. Census.
  • Numbers as of October 2019

  • a - Value of 100 means that a family with the median income has exactly enough income to qualify for a typical mortgage on a median-priced single-family home. An index above 100 signifies that the family has surplus income.

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