• Hungary, in the last month, saw two major protests challenging the nationalist government. Leading both was Péter Magyar, a lawyer and former diplomat who was once part of Hungary’s ruling elite circle. Mr. Magyar is now an opponent: fiercely criticising the regime of corruption and dismantling of democratic institutions under Mr. Orban’s 14-year-long rule.
  • Mr. Magyar announced a new political outfit that will contest the local elections and upcoming European Union polls in June. The 43-year-old has pitched this as a convergence of the left and the right, a credible choice between the ruling Fidesz party and the “ineffectual” opposition.
  • Mr. Magyar’s politics is a challenge to the Prime Minister’s “power factory.” His centrist promise is targeted to reach out to people across the political spectrum — left-wing, liberal and conservative Hungarians. He also vows to build a more civil foreign policy that maintains relations with both the EU and NATO.