Neighbor smelled gas

Pellet stove problem: mother and son almost suffocated

15.04.2024 06:47

A tragedy may have been prevented in Ferlach on Sunday. Because a 58-year-old woman was unable to reach her sister, she went to her sister's house. There she saw the 50-year-old and her son lying lifeless on the bed - she immediately alerted the emergency services.

She used her spare key to open the front door for the officers from the Ferlach police station, who arrived shortly after 3.00 pm. "Upon entering the apartment, the smell of gas/smoke could be detected and one of the officers immediately opened all the windows to provide fresh air," the police report. They found the 50-year-old occupant and her son in the bedroom - both were lying on the bed in a daze, but fortunately were still responsive.

However, mother and son were unable to walk and were taken out of the house by the Ferlach fire department and the ambulance service. "After initial treatment outside, they were flown to Klagenfurt Hospital by the C11 and RK1 rescue helicopters," the police continued. Two officers, the nurse and the first responder were also examined at the hospital, but remained uninjured.

Carbon monoxide from pellet stove
While searching for the cause, the fire department quickly came across a pellet stove in the kitchen. "The stove was in operation and displayed an error message," explained an official. "The Ferlach fire brigade was finally able to measure an increased concentration of carbon monoxide in the apartment."

"We measured the gas levels in the entire house and ventilated it until it was back to normal," reports the Ferlach fire brigade, which was deployed with two vehicles and 20 firefighters. Further investigations are now to be carried out into the cause of the increased carbon monoxide.

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