Best Places to Retire In Each State 2018

Oxford, MS

the place image

Oxford, MS

median home price
As of August 2018
College town (University of Mississippi) of 23,000, 85 miles southeast of Memphis. Median home price $187,000. Cost of living 5% below national average. PROS: Low serious crime rate, good air quality. No state estate/inheritance tax, no state income tax on Social Security earnings, state income tax breaks on pension income. CONS: Low number of physicians per capita. NOTED: Elevation 500 feet. Top marginal income tax rate 5.0%. TRIVIA: Home over the years of many famous writers, including William Faulkner and John Grisham.

More on Forbes

Aug 28, 2018

The Best Places To Retire In Each State

Most of those who move in retirement chose to stay within the same state. In recognition of that fact, Forbes has developed its first-ever list of the best two places to retire in each of the 50 states.