Blood demand could eclipse Erie hospitals' supply when thousands of visitors come to town

Valerie Myers
Erie Times-News

Community Blood Bank hopes to build blood supplies before Monday.

That's when a total solar eclipse is expected to bring 65,000 to 260,000 visitors to Erie. And accidents, stress and other incidents during the event could increase the demand for blood and blood products at local hospitals.

Supplies of some blood types, particularly Type O-negative, O-positive and A-negative, already are low, said Blood Bank spokeswoman Andrea Sprickman.

Giving blood at the Community Blood Bank.

"Hospital demand for these blood types has remained high for over a month, straining existing resources and underscoring the need for action," Sprickman said. "With the eclipse coming, we want to be prepared so that if something does happen with so many more people in Erie our local hospitals are fully stocked."

Gifts for donors

Community Blood Bank is offering incentives to donors through Saturday. Everyone giving blood will receive a free herb plant from Stan's Garden Center and a $10 gift card to Federal Hill Smokehouse or Flagship Food Hall.

Donors also will be entered to win the use of a ballpark suite, 20 tickets and a $100 food and drink certificate for an upcoming SeaWolves game.

Where and when to donate

Community Blood Bank's Erie Donor Center at 2646 Peach St. is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Community Blood Bank will be closed on Monday.

"We don't want donors coming out and being stuck in traffic," Sprickman said.

Contact Valerie Myers at vmyers@timesnews.com.