5 Most Densely Populated Cities in California

3. Daly City, California

Population per square mile: 13,734.10

In Daly City, California, the community is closely-knit, with a land area of 7.64 square miles and an overall population of about 100,007 people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 60.2% of homes in the city are owner-occupied, and the median home value stands at $1,073,100. Education attainment is fair too, with 87.8% having at least a high school diploma and 38.5% holding a bachelor’s degree or higher. Despite a population decrease of 4.7% since 2020, the city still has a population density of a little over 13,700 residents, ranking the city third on the list. The city also maintains a robust workforce with 67.5% of the population engaged in the labor force.