Chabad House celebrates Purim with a Palm Beach theme

Palm Beach Daily News Staff

The Chabad House marked Purim, a holiday that celebrates the saving of the Jewish people from annihilation, at The Colony Hotel on March 24 with food, festivities and costumes.

This year's theme was simply Palm Beach. Adults and families dressed in the island's classic florals, palm prints and straw accessories while strolling into the Colony’s Pink Paradise.

The celebration featured dinner and an open bar for l’chaim on fine wines and a Family Feud game with A Hot Party game show hosts.

In the tradition of the holiday, guests heard the reading of the Megillah and gave charity to two places. They also exchanged Mishloach Manot, gifts of food. The tradition derives from the Book of Esther, and is designed to increase love and support among neighbors.

A highlight of the gathering was Rabbi Zalman Levitin in his Palm Beach pink jacket, a guest dressed as Maggie Zeidman, outgoing Town Council president and Hindel Levitin dressed as late fashion icon Iris Apfel.