People have come from all over the state and country to the Rangeley area to view the total solar eclipse. Credit: CBS 13

Up in Rangeley, cars are filling the streets with people staking out the best spots to see the eclipse. The path of totality is coming right through the town of just 1,200 people.

People from all over have come to Maine to view the eclipse. One man said that he had plans to travel to the Rochester, New York, area, but even with a rental all booked, they decided to change course at the last minute.

“The day before we left, it was looking so cloudy there. I just was like where are these clouds moving? They seem to be moving from west to east, what’s open? Maine,” said Scott Reeves of New York

Many said that they’ve seen a partial eclipse when Maine experienced that in 2017.

For those who have never experienced it, the light is very dim and the temperature drops.

Mary Stewart came up from Sanford.

She said that she’s seen totality before but that was decades ago.

“It’s always amazing. It’s just phenomenal. You think my God, this is the universe. I think it’s awe inspiring,” Stewart said.

Totality in Rangeley will be from 3:29 to 3:31 p.m.