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Turning Points: Alcoholism

The most common addiction issue (mind altering substances) in the world today is alcoholism. Many people, after having an occasional hangover, or drinking more than they intended to at an event may question themselves.

By The Phuket News

Thursday 7 February 2019 11:36 AM


“I worry that I may drink more than is good for me. How do I know if I am drinking too much?”

What is considered an appropriate amount or frequency of alcohol consumption may be a measurement that varies among different people. Many expats find it difficult to gauge if they are drinking excessively if they use comparison to other expat peers as a benchmark. It is generally known and accepted that most people drink more in Thailand than they would if living in their home country.

What is considered normal in Phuket, Bangkok or Chiang Mai would likely be seen as excessive in one’s home country.

Rather than comparing oneself to another person, it is more telling to look at the impact on one’s self. The amount of drinks one has or the frequency of drinking may or may not be significant for different people.

Some questions a person can ask themselves are:

  1. Does your drinking create a negative consequence on your finances, relationships, work, health, public image?
  2. Do you find you intend to drink a certain amount, but usually exceed that goal?
  3. Do you find yourself often feeling guilty or ashamed about things you did while drinking?
  4. Are there people you try to hide your drinking from; making it appear you drink less than you actually do?
  5. Are other areas of your life getting smaller (hobbies, friends, etc) as your drinking takes more time and energy?

If you answered yes to one of more of these questions, you may wish to seek professional advice.

The most obvious consequences of untreated alcohol abuse include health damage, relationship harm, career impact, loss of reputation and financial difficulties.

In addition to professional addiction counselors, many people have found help from alcoholism from support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. For information about an AA meeting near you, click here.

Craig Gagnon is the Clinical Director of Miracles Asia, an Addiction & Mental Wellness Centre in Phuket.
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