Towards Personalized Cell-Replacement Therapies for Brain Repair

Alexandros A. Lavdas; Rebecca Matsas


Personalized Medicine. 2009;6(3):293-313. 

In This Article

Neutralization of Myelin-associated Inhibitors as an Adjuvant to cell Transplantation

Central nervous system white matter from higher vertebrates and cultured oligodendrocytes are nonpermissive substrates for neurite growth.[5,6] Membrane proteins of 35 kd, and especially 250 kd (later renamed Nogo-A), were the first to be extracted from CNS myelin fractions that confer highly nonpermissive substrate properties.[232] Applying neutralizing antisera and monoclonal anti-Nogo antibodies to these substrates has been demonstrated to significantly enhance neurite outgrowth on CNS myelin substrates and to enhance the ingrowth of neurites into adult rat optic nerve explants over many millimeters.[232] The application of such antibodies in paraplegic patients is currently being studied in an ongoing clinical trial.[233,241] Nogo-A contains multiple neurite outgrowth inhibitory domains that are exposed on the surface of the myelinating oligodendrocytes in its amino-terminal (amino-Nogo-A) and C-terminal (Nogo-66) regions. Nogo-66, as well as myelin-associated glycoprotein and myelin oligodendorcyte glycoprotein, exert their inhibitory effects by binding to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked neuronal Nogo-66 receptor that transduces the inhibitory signal to the interior of the cell via transmembrane co-receptors LINGO-1 and p75 or TROY.[234] Amino-Nogo-A and Nogo-66 receptor ligands activate the small GTPase, RhoA, and an antibody called cethrin that inhibits the Rho signaling pathway has already been used in a clinical trial with positive results,[235,236] while the production of antibodies against the Nogo-66 receptor has also yielded positive results in animal studies.[237] Combinatorial strategies using cell transplantation together with neutralization of growth-inhibitory molecules should further enhance the potential of either approach alone, and are therefore worthwhile testing in animal models.[238]


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