Christmas shoppers 1965

Dec. 4, 1965: The Press-Chronicle published images of cars jamming East Main Street and the plaza’s parking area at Kmart.

Dec. 4, 1861: Jordan Councill Hardin, an early settler in the area, married Julia Carolina Williams. According to text from First Christian Church, “The young couple lived at Cranberry throughout the war years, and Jordan Hardin was actively interested in the development of the Cranberry Iron Mines which were later owned and operated by men from the east. Also he acted as the Agent for the company which built the East Tenn. and Western North Carolina Railroad. He was secretary and treasurer. In 1870 (Hardin) bought land on Sinking Creek, a bit nearer to the young town of Johnson City. He had been a signer on both Subscription lists in 1867, to help build the Institutes at Buffalo Creek and also Science Hill in Johnson City.”

Dec 4, 1890: The Comet informed readers, “The charge that the ballot box at Johnson City was taken to a livery stable at the noon hour is entirely without foundation. The election was held by a Butler man, and the ballot box was in sight and custody of the judges, all of whom are good men, all the time.”

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