In Type2 diabetes, insulin, which is the hormone created by the pancreas, fails to function properly. In most cases, the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, resulting in the rapid increase of blood sugar levels.

If sugar levels in the blood stay too high, it can cause heart disease, nerve damage, kidney failure, and stroke. To prevent this from happening, a few lifestyle changes, like having a regular healthy diet, should be implemented.

According to experts, you can eat absolutely any edible food you can get your hands on even if you have type 2 diabetes. The catch is you have to consume only small or limited amounts of certain foods.

You can eat a broad range of food types, which include vegetables, fruit, and pasta. You just have to keep salt, sugar, and fat at the minimum. Eat three square meals every day and make sure you do not skip any one of them.

There are also diet plans that work wonders in type 2 diabetes patients. Two of the best diet that can help keep blood sugar at normal levels are keto and vegan diets.

vegan diet and keto diet to lower blood sugar
vegan diet and keto diet to lower blood sugar Sponchia

More Fats In Keto

Similar to the Atkins diet, the ketogenic or keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet. Many studies have shown that low-carb diets allow type 2 diabetes patients to manage their blood sugar levels.

The diet works by radically reducing the intake of carbohydrates, replacing it with fat. When this happens, the body goes into a metabolic state referred to as ketosis. Researchers admit though that more studies need to be conducted to learn more about the benefits and risks, if any, of the keto diet.

Going For Veggies

A vegan diet consists of plants or foods made from plants. Animal foods like eggs and dairy products are not included.

In a recent study, consuming lots of vegetables and healthy fruits could minimize the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost 25%. The research, which was conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, involved over 300,000 participants and observed the link between type 2 diabetes and plant-based foods. Researchers found out that those who consumed a purely vegan diet lowered their risk of the disease by 23%.

Similar research made by groups from the University of Northampton, University of London, and East Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust also made several discoveries. Researchers found out that the mental well-being and quality of life of participants who are purely on a vegan diet greatly improved. Diabetic patients who consumed a regular vegan diet were also able to have more control over their illness.