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This Is The Highest Zip Line In Canada & It's Absolutely Terrifying

You can soar over a frozen waterfall!
Senior Writer

You can take your season to new heights at this incredible winter zip line in Canada

Marble Zip Tours is an adventure zone located in Steady Brook, Newfoundland.

The attraction offers activities such as sled tours and high ropes and is home to Canada's highest zip line.

Editor's Choice:This Hidden Alberta Canyon Turns Into A Frozen Waterfall Every Winter

[rebelmouse-image 26001557 photo_credit="Marble Zip Tours | Facebook" expand=1 original_size="720x960"] Marble Zip Tours | Facebook

The spectacular zip line experience takes you flying across a total of 9 lines at speeds of up to 30-km an hour.

With heights that reach 285-ft, the ride features spectacular views of the Humber Valley below.

The zip line is especially magical in the winter when the surrounding gorge and Marble Mountain are blanketed with glistening snow.

The most incredible sight is the massive frozen waterfall that you'll soar right overtop.

The entire course takes about 2 hours to complete, and it's sure to be a ride you'll never forget.

Marble Zip Tours

Price: $109 + tax per adult

Address: Marble Mountain Ski Resort, Corner Brook, NL

Why You Need To Go: Soar over a breathtaking frozen waterfall and snowy gorge at Canada's highest zip line.

[rebelmouse-image 26001558 photo_credit="Marble Zip Tours | Facebook" expand=1 original_size="960x636"] Marble Zip Tours | Facebook

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your trip.

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