Colon cleansing: It detoxifies your body but may cause renal failure

Colon cleansing: It detoxifies your body but may cause renal failure
Critics are of the opinion that this is an unnecessary procedure. The colon has natural bacteria that can very well detoxify food wastes. @Shutterstock

Colon cleansing may be an unnecessary procedure. But advocates say that it brings a host of health benefits ranging from a strong immune system to a decreased risk of colon cancer.

Written by Jahnavi Sarma |Updated : January 28, 2020 10:49 AM IST

Colon cleansing is nothing but the cleaning of the large intestine. It was very popular at the turn of the last century but gradually lost favour with the majority of people. However, now it has made a comeback. More and more people are going in for colon cleansing procedures. Many experts are of the view that this is an unnecessary procedure that may actually do more harm than good. But advocates say that the benefits are many. The idea behind this is to expel the mucus build-up in the colon due to undigested food.

Colon cleansing methods

There are many ways by which you can clean your colon. You can do this with oral powdered or liquid supplements. Or you can resort to enemas. The idea here is to induce the colon to expel its contents. Enemas, laxative, herbal teas, even magnesium and enzymes have been used to do this. Alternatively, you can go in for colon irrigation. For this you have to visit a colonic hygienist or colon hydrotherapists. The procedure will require you to lie down on a table. The hydrotherapist will then use a low-pressure pump to flush water through a small tube inserted into your rectum. He will then massage your abdomen. After this, you expel the contents in a regular bowel movement. Though this process is similar to an enema, the amount of water used is much more.

Benefits of colon cleansing

Advocates say that this procedure improves mental ability and detoxifies your body. It stimulates the immune system to work more efficiently and helps you lose weight. It may also reduce your risk of colon cancer.

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What critics say

Critics are of the opinion that this is an unnecessary procedure. The colon has natural bacteria that can very well detoxify food wastes. Moreover, the live also neutralizes all toxins. Experts say that there is constant regeneration of the lining of the intestines. This naturally prevents the buildup of harmful toxins.

Side effects of colon cleansing

Usual side effects include vomiting, nausea, cramps and dizziness. You may suffer from mineral imbalances and infections. Bowel perforation is a real danger and it also leads to depletion of good bacteria. In some cases, it may also cause renal complications.