Effectiveness of Non-pharmaceutical Measures in Preventing Pediatric Influenza: A Case–Control Study

Núria Torner; Núria Soldevila; Juan Jose Garcia; Cristian Launes; Pere Godoy; Jesús Castilla; Angela Domínguez


BMC Public Health. 2015;15(543) 

In This Article


The success of an NPI or a set of NPIs depends on both its efficacy and the feasibility of implementing it with relevant populations. If NPIs are to be used in community settings during a severe influenza season or pandemic, to increase acceptability on the part of the adults is of utmost importance. Without such acceptance, it is highly unlikely that children and their supervising adults will participate.[33]

This study emphasizes the importance of simple infection prevention measures, such as hand hygiene which have been proven effective to reduce the transmission of infection in schools and the spread to household contacts by Papenburg J,et al..[34] Frequent hand washing should be recommended to prevent influenza infection in the family and community setting and in special in the school age group.
