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Thank you for bringing attention to the uncertain future of the S.S. John W. Brown (“Historic John W. Brown, Baltimore’s WWII-era Liberty ship, could be homeless come September,” Nov. 20). My father was an 18-year-old Baltimorean and member of the U. S. Navy Armed Guard during World War II. He served on Liberty ships. He rarely spoke of the role the ships played or his job behind the guns.

However, after he retired from his career as a IBEW electrician, he volunteered countless hours on the S.S. Brown doing maintenance work with many other former sailors. His experience volunteering on the ship was a source of pride and pleasure. When my father passed away, his new shipmates made sure the flag (which had draped his coffin at a military funeral) flew from the mast of the John Brown during one of their occasional Chesapeake Bay cruises. His family and those on board that day had the honor of watching my father’s flag flutter in the breeze as the Brown sailed out into the Bay.

Hopefully, somehow, the S.S. Brown can remain “home” in Baltimore.

Renee Lash Bateman, Catonsville

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