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Former President Donald Trump speaks at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Wednesday, July 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
Seth Wenig/AP
Former President Donald Trump speaks at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Wednesday, July 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email

Did you ever consider that the majority of the comments printed in Quickly come from the majority of the people? Maybe YOU are the person that falls into minority with your comments.

The states with the least amount of people vaccinated are getting the most new cases of COVID-19. Maybe it’s time to rethink getting your vaccination if you haven’t already done so.

Trump is now suing private companies for denying him rights that he has no rights to, and immediately asked for donations. Why does the greatest businessman of all time keep asking for money? Donate away, suckers. Jim Bakker and Jerry Falwell must be so jealous.

Just got an email to donate to Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter. Just like the one I received to stop the fake election steal. Neither one is winnable. It’s just another scam to get your money from Don the con.

How many Republicans will still back Trump when all the crimes he committed and tried to commit are revealed? Probably all the elected ones.

Tucker Carlson made a big stink about the NSA spying on him. He failed to mention that he was trying to set up an an interview with Vladimir Putin.

A question for those still objecting to getting vaccinated. You claim it should be a personal choice, not a government decision. Are your standards the same for abortion?

Those 50% plus of Republicans who are vaccine-refusers are now contributing to the rampant spread of the COVID-19 variant in several red states, which in turn is contributing to the declining stock market. You can bet on it that they will blame Biden for all this because the U.S. did not reach his Fourth of July vaccination goal.

Right, unemployed Democrats have given nothing to society. Nothing that is, other than Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (without a single Republican vote), the rescue of the auto industry (no help from the GOP there either), and a host of other things that make life better for ordinary Americans and strengthen our nation. What have Republicans given to society other than tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy, gerrymandering, filibustering, voter suppression, riots at the Capitol, for-profit schools, unequal pay for women, and lots of other things that give plenty to greedy Republicans, but nothing to anybody else. But of course they have given us the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, etc.

I’m unable to buy into your unemployed Democrats theory. It seems Republicans are able to attend Trump rallies, form militias, hold protests against vaccinations, and mass in Washington D.C. to overturn a lawful election. How do they have time to do all this and still hold jobs? Add to this that Republican states which lead the country in federal aid received and it’s plain to see that the unemployed Democrats theory has some serious flaws.

COVID-19 variants are now raging on red states. All because people won’t get vaccinated. They don’t care about the medical workers or essential people that have to deal with it. We will never get back to normal until everyone is vaccinated. Get the shot.

Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell along with his Republican congressmen and Republican voters claim to be fiscally responsible citizens. In support of their position, Biden received no votes from the Republicans for the much-needed stimulus bailout during the pandemic! We have been informed that the damage from the Republican-instigated insurrection was heavy and severe. Estimated costs to the American tax payer for repair and restoration are from $30 million to a half billion dollars. If one single American citizen is okay with this, then we have lost our will to appreciate the merits and benefits of a country that has enjoyed the blessings of a living standard second to none!

The biggest problem with Trump fans is that if they hear something on Fox News, they just assume it is the truth. They have no reason to question anything. No research, no doubts, no nothing, despite evidence, despite laws that say otherwise, and despite past history.

Funny how whiny liberals sit there and complain about Cal Thomas, but then turn around and believe everything Rachel Maddow says is gospel. Liberals have been trying to stifle conservatives’ freedom of speech for years and still haven’t accomplished it.

Not everyone has a two-income family, and not everyone has help. Not everyone has money in the bank to fall back on. Some people only have themselves. Some people live paycheck to paycheck. These people deserve respect. The world is cruel enough as it is. So before telling people how they should deal with situations in their life, just don’t. Show kindness instead. Most people are already doing the best they can, they don’t need your attitude.

People are now offended if you make disparaging comments about the people who push disinformation about COVID-19 risks, being responsible for their deaths. Any reasonable person would see it that way.

It’s safe to say that if Allen Weisselberg was getting all of those off-the-books benefits, the Trump kids were too. They did everything they could to cheat the system.