Pervasive Clinical Computing


Pervasive Clinical Computing

  • The Hidden Cost of Upgrading Before you trade in your old PC for a sleek new model, consider the many hidden costs of upgrading your office with a fleet of computers, as described here.
  • 64-Bit Computing This article outlines what these next-generation computer chips offer power users, and discusses whether it's time for you to consider moving up in the technology world.
  • Data Acquisition Which available technologies address the more challenging task of moving clinically relevant patient data into a computer system as quickly, efficiently, and error-free as possible?
  • Visualization Tools The practice of clinical medicine relies heavily on pattern recognition -- the ability to recognize patterns in the presentation of patient data and thereby formulate a diagnosis.
  • Hardware Update This article provides an introduction to newly released -- or recently affordable -- hardware that can be integrated into your clinical practice to make it more effective and efficient.