Don't let menopause take a toll on your sex life

Don't let menopause take a toll on your sex life
Menopause does not indicate end of sex life. © Shutterstock

A study says that low libido affects women's sexual life after menopause. But, we say that you can still enjoy a rocking sex life well into old age.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : July 13, 2019 11:57 AM IST

A study says that low libido affects women's sexual life after menopause. But, we say that she can still enjoy a rocking sex life well into old age. There have been numerous studies regarding a woman's sexuality after menopause. Though most of these studies say that menopause can adversely affect a woman's sex life, some go on to relate the health benefits of being sexually active at this age.

Menopause is a time when a woman goes through major psychological and physical changes. It brings with it a new set of emotions that she has to deal with. She starts getting hot flashes and may experience low self-esteem and a sense of being unattractive to the opposite sex. Sex might just be the last thing on her mind during this time.

Low libido and menopause: The link

According to a study published in Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society, the number of women regularly having sex declines with age and the number of women enjoying sex after menopause is even lower. Researchers studied how intimate relationships, psychological factors and health affect sexual intimacy and satisfaction in women after menopause. They also examined how and why a woman's libido and level of sexual satisfaction came down during this period. They conducted extensive studies on hot flashes, sleep disruption, vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.

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For the study, researchers looked at the data of almost 4,500 post-menopausal women and found a decrease in sexual activity over time. It was less frequent, not as pleasurable and more uncomfortable. But they also saw that one of the main reasons for absence of sexual activity was the lack of a partner. Other reasons were a partner's medical condition, her own health issues and menopause-related symptoms.

Sexual problems can be overcome

It is true that menopause can put a woman off sex. The loss of oestrogen and testosterone following menopause can lead to changes in a woman's body and sexual drive. It might be difficult for them to get aroused and they may not be as responsive to touching and kissing. With a decrease in oestrogen levels, there is a decrease in blood supply to the vagina. That can affect vaginal lubrication and make sex uncomfortable or even painful. Sleep disturbances, depression, stress, medications and other health concerns can also contribute to this.

But sex is a part of life and just because you are getting old doesn't mean that you have to abstain from it. With just a few changes in your lifestyle and outlook, you can go on to enjoy a rocking sex life.

Be careful not to lose the spark in sex life

You can easily lose that spark in the bedroom, as you grow older. Moreover, boredom and physical ailments can kill your sex drive and lead to emotional distress. Hence, it is essential to keep that intimacy alive. A new study published in the journal Sexual Medicine also indicates that sexual activity is linked with improved well-being among older adults.

So, with an open mind and better understanding, you will be able to keep your sex life rocking like before. Follow these tips to make your bedroom romance bloom all over again.

Be healthy for a great sex life

According to the National Institute on Ageing, a woman can spot changes in her vagina while ageing. It can shorten and narrow. The vaginal walls can become thinner and more stiff as well. Thus, women may end up feeling pain down there during sexual activity. Many women may also experience vaginal dryness. Hence, you will have to speak to your expert regarding the problems you are facing. Along with that, other health problems like stress, menopause and so on, should also be sorted as they can interfere with your sex life. Your doctor may suggest certain lifestyle modifications in order to live healthily and enhance your sex life.

Hence, you should start exercising, following a well-balanced diet and cutting down those excess kilos. Opt for a diet which is low in fats and sugars and high in fibre. Have fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Furthermore, make sure that you also get a good night's sleep so that your body gets a chance to refresh and recuperate.

An open communication with your partner may be helpful

Lack of communication regarding your difficulties in carrying on a healthy, regular sex life can make the problem even worse. The hindrances could range from circumstantial issues and psychological turmoil to health hazards. According to a study published in Translational Andrology and Urology, breast cancer can lead to multiple physical and psychological challenges. And among the greatest challenges are those linked to female sexual function.

Chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, surgeries and radiation can alter a woman's sexual health and function. Sexual concerns result in significant emotional distress, including depression, issues regarding personal appearance, stigma and negative impacts on personal relationships. Moreover, women may also have to undergo mastectomy (the removal of a breast or part of a breast to treat cancer) and hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries), which can change how a woman perceives her own attractiveness. Discuss your problems with your partner. Open communication is the key to a healthy sex life. Try to find solutions for your problem as a couple. Seek professional help if needed.

Feel good about yourself

Women, as you become older, you may feel less attractive sexually and this can interfere with your sexual desire. Hence, you should try and embrace your body at every stage of your life. Sex in later life may not be same like it was during your youth. You should make sure that you accept yourself and avoid thinking and dwelling about how things are different. You should have a positive outlook and make attempts to improve your sex life. So, even though you look and feel differently than you did when you were younger, hold your head up high. This will not only help you feel good about yourself but can also help enhance your self-esteem.