McElroy: Like the Bald Eagle, changes needed to save the monarch butterfly population

By Owen McElroy
South Dakota GFP

Sometimes to change views on an issue there needs to be a well-recognized figure to take center stage in the movement. 

In the past, the bald eagle was a perfect example of just this type of figure. Populations of our national bird were in sharp decline largely in part due to the overuse of a chemical called DDT. The bald eagle wasn’t the only wildlife this chemical affected (there were many), but it’s probably one of the most recognizable birds of the U.S.

Owen McElroy

After World War II, DDT was in high demand and was used to kill insects that many considered pests. Our older generation probably remembers getting sprayed with DDT when it was used to help control mosquito populations.

The scientist who discovered that DDT could be used as an insecticide received the Nobel Prize. He received the award because of how many lives DDT theoretically saved due to the control of mainly mosquito-born illnesses.

But, growing evidence was starting to show that this chemical in the environment was having adverse effects on many wildlife species and possibly causing illnesses in humans.

There was a lot of money invested into this chemical, so the banning of it was going to be heavily disputed. Plus, it was heavily used for pest control, probably saving thousands of acres of crops and keeping insect-born illness to a minimum. 

Long story short, the use of the chemical was banned in the early 1970s. The bald eagle populations have soared since, eventually leading to removal from the Endangered Species List in 2007. 

The reason I share this example is because we currently have a lot of small invertebrate populations disappearing under the radar. It’s safe to say most of us see insects as pests. I can’t emphasize enough how important they are to our existence and the existence to many well-known wildlife species. These populations are in decline largely due to habitat loss and overuse of herbicides and insecticides.

A few species that were common around here that recently went unnoticed on the endangered species list are the Dakota skipper (threatened) and the Poweshiek skipperling (endangered). Both butterflies are small and not colorful. Unfortunately, a lot of species like this go unnoticed because they are not the bald eagle of the insect world.

So, what happens when the bald eagle of the insect world starts seeing major declines in its population? 

The monarch butterfly is one of the most well-known insects in North America. According to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services website, “In December 2020, after an extensive status assessment of the monarch butterfly, we determined that listing the monarch under the Endangered Species Act is warranted but precluded at this time by higher priority listing actions.” 

So, the populations of the monarch are getting extremely low. The reason for their decline is the same with most insects. Habitat loss and overuse of herbicides and insecticides.

People will and are taking notice of the monarch’s decline. Changes in how we currently operate will probably have to occur to save this iconic species. This may be difficult for all of us for the same reasons banning DDT was. 

Two big ways we could help curb these declines is through education and providing habitat. We have lost touch with the outside world. When we don’t like something outside our first reaction is to get rid of it the easiest way possible. Instead of reaching for the spray bottle or raising our foot to squash something maybe we need to ask ourselves some questions. What is this? Why is it here? What role does it play in our local ecosystem? If it is a pest, what are my options for control and how will this affect other species?

Herbicides and pesticides are generally not species specific. When spraying you may be trying to rid yourself of a problem and in turn accidentally get rid of something that was managing the issue. There is a time and place for chemicals to control pests. Make sure you know what the chemical is used for, proper weather conditions, proper timing for best control and focus application on the problem area instead of just blanket spraying the entire area. 

A lot of the declining wildlife populations in our area developed under a diverse prairie setting. One thing we struggle to provide in our current landscape is diversity. We still have native prairie out there. Conditions vary from pristine  to degraded. A lot of times changes in management can bring degraded prairies to a more diverse state.

So, it’s important to keep native prairie around because it’s nearly impossible to replicate. I have not seen a reconstruction come close to the diversity that a well manage prairie has.

Let’s take the monarch for instance. Monarch larva strictly feed on milkweed. So, if we are trying to save the monarch, it would only make sense to plant a huge pile of milkweed. Problem solved! Monarchs are saved!

If things were only that easy. Milkweed typically blooms in mid-summer for about two weeks. Monarchs needs to have nectar sources during their spring and fall migration and for the couple of generations that occur during the summer.

This spring/summer/fall blooming is very important to a lot of other species, too. What it boils down to is we have generalist and specialist. The more variety we can pack into an area means a more diverse group of bugs that will be present. This will attract other species of wildlife that need these insects to convert plant material into a source of protein for them. 

We can add diversity to a lot of different places. Plant more native flowers and grasses in your yard. Allow diversity to occur in grassed rights of way. Last summer, I was driving by a place that mowed around a bunch of individual milkweed plants and it was neat see. Plant more green spaces in towns to native wildflowers. A lot of these spaces don’t get used by people and are just being mowed to maintain the grass. 

We don’t have to change our entire life and the way we operate to start making a difference for our wild neighbors.If we all did something little it would go a long way.

Remember, let's educate ourselves, be conservative with the use of pesticides and herbicides and grow some native plants!

Owen McElroy is a resource biologist with the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks.