REU – Research Experience for Undergraduates at AMI


Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Adolphe Merkle Institute – University of Fribourg, Switzerland

 Follow this link for INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2022 PROGRAM

The opportunity:  A 8-12 week long summer research experience (REU) in Bio-inspired Materials and Systems will be held at the University of Fribourg. This will provide the opportunity for students to participate in cutting-edge research while experiencing the cultural atmosphere of life and work in a different country.

Eligibility:Undergraduate students from who are U.S. citizens and have completed at least two semesters of research on a project related to Bio-inspired Materials and Systems are eligible to apply.

Dates of the program:  The University of Fribourg will be holding one session in 2022 which will begin June 15.

Positions available:  Approximately three positions will be available for US Bio-inspired PIRE students during the summer of 2022.

Application to the program is a two-step process

  • Applicants must first apply to the US program office. Application materials can be found at this link.
  • Successful applicants will also be required to fill out Swiss application documents.
  • Those documents and a list of projects available for the summer will be posted here (link) beginning in December.

The program:  In addition to research in bio-inspired material, REU participants will participate in weekly sessions emphasizing the fundamentals of polymer science and engineering, ethics, and communication skills. Social events are also planned.  General information about the program is available at this link.

REU students are required to submit a final report of their experiences, with photos, at the end of the summer.

Application deadline:  The deadline for applications including CV, budget and letter of recommendation is January 15, 2021.

Additional information:  View the thoughts of former REU students on the Bio-inspired PIRE website; click on the Education link

All application materials and final reports should be sent to Pam Glover

Application Materials

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