Salvation Army launches annual Needy Fund drive

Barbara Dwyer-Anderson
Times Herald-Record

PORT JERVIS - The Port Jervis Salvation Army has begun its annual holiday fund raising. We know that this has been a difficult year for many people due to COVID-19. Our schools have closed, keeping children at home, challenging parents to help with studies and supervise their young ones. Jobs have disappeared and work hours have been reduced; bills have piled up as incomes declined.

Many organizations are helping people cope with these challenges, among them your Salvation Army, always on the front line.

When the Port Jervis School District was required to close schools in mid-March, Captains Jonathan and Kelly Ross reached out to the district superintendent to ask how the Salvation Army could help. Together they agreed that the district would continue to make school lunches and the Salvation Army would deliver them. Starting in mid-March through the last day of school in June, approximately 200 meals were delivered each day to children in the Port Jervis area, Deerpark and Westbrookville. The captains handled most of the deliveries as there were few volunteers due to COVID-19.

Undeterred by the pandemic, the Soup Kitchen remained open, run by the Salvation Army’s Social Ministries director, Sharon Eagle. Food was packaged and handed out in bags, though sadly gone was the socialization many of the soup kitchen attendees enjoyed. Sharon continued to assist our neighbors with other needs: money for heating and other utility bills, a single mom desperate for car repair money, seniors needing help with medical bills.

Again this year during the holiday season, the Salvation Army is asking for donations – that is, money – to allow us to continue our vital mission. Our Red Kettle drive will begin bell ringing on Nov. 17. Please donate your coins and dollars to the kettle when you shop. Or text a donation to 41444 and follow the instructions.

In addition to the Red Kettle drive, the Port Jervis Salvation Army has a special fund called The Needy Fund. It was started almost 30 years ago by Janis Osbourne of the Tri-State Gazette. It succeeds thanks to your generosity. Donations are a wonderful way to honor or remember a special person or person. Contributors names are printed weekly in the Gazette unless you choose to remain anonymous (please indicate this on your check). No amounts are printed – just names.

Your support helps our friends and neighbors who may face an unexpected financial burden. What better way to celebrate this holiday season than a gift that changes lives.

Checks can be made out to The Needy Fund and mailed to Port Jervis Salvation Army, Box 125, Port Jervis, NY 12771. Thank you for helping out our local Salvation Army.

Barbara Dwyer-Anderson is a lifetime member of the Port Jervis Salvation Army.