Artificial Intelligence or AI: Here is how it is transforming healthcare

Artificial Intelligence or AI: Here is how it is transforming healthcare
The robot is developed by researchers from the University of Glasgow in Scotland in collaboration with the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University in India ©Shutterstock.

Artificial intelligence and robotics are gradually transforming the healthcare, simplifying the lives of patients, doctors and hospital administrators.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : January 15, 2020 12:57 PM IST

Making a breakthrough in healthcare, researchers at the University of Warwick have developed a new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technique that can detect low-sugar levels without any fingerprint test.

Current methods to measure glucose requires needles and repeated fingerpicks over the day. Fingerpicks can often be painful, deterring patient compliance. The new AI-based technique can spot hypoglycaemia from raw ECG signals via wearable sensors.

As per the researchers, their innovation works with an 82 per cent reliability and could replace the need for invasive with a needle, especially for kids.

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Artificial intelligence and robotics are gradually transforming the healthcare, simplifying the lives of patients, doctors and hospital administrators. AI sector has also become one of the world's highest-growth industries.

Here are a few examples of AI in healthcare

AI is performing tasks that are typically done by humans, but more efficiently, more quickly and at a lower cost.

Reduces medical error and improves diagnosis

Use of AI has helped improve the diagnostic process and reduce death due to misdiagnosis of illness. AI can predict and diagnose disease at a faster rate than most medical professionals.

Cutting drug development costs

Drug development industry has taken notice of the efficiency AI technology in reducing development costs and human hours. Many biopharmaceutical companies are relying on AI to identify and develop new medicines.

Helps better manage patient flow

Hospitals, clinics and physicians can treat more patients on a daily basis when there is better management of patient flow. AI tools are helping better streamline patient experience, allowing hospital staff process millions of data points, faster and more efficiently. Innovative AI platforms are automating the healthcare industry' most repetitive tasks, enabling the workers to focus on providing better patient service.

Mining medical data becomes faster

Loss of any highly valuable information can cost healthcare industry billions a year. And it is likely to happen, given the trillions of data points the industry has. Also, the inability to connect important data points may delay the development of new drugs, and diagnosis. Thanks to AI, healthcare professionals are now able stop the data haemorrhaging. With the help of the technology that breaks down data silos, health professionals now get any information in minutes.