Bladder cancer is a growing problem in various parts of the world. In the UK, it is already considered as the 10th most common cancer. Just like with any disease, early treatment is always imperative as it could help in treating the disease at the earliest and avoid it from worsening.

Since bladder cancer happens in the bladder lining where a tumor would grow, the symptoms would normally be seen in the urine. Being able to identify the symptom and getting a diagnosis from a general practitioner would always be the best option.

Important Pee Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. You will notice that the urine would look bright red. There are also cases, but rare ones at that, when the urine would have a dark brownish hue.

bladder cancer symptoms
bladder cancer symptoms Hans - Pixabay

There are also instances when the blood +would be so light, it becomes unnoticeable. This can still be detected by a urine test, as per Cancer Research UK. Nevertheless, it would still be best to consult your GP.

Although the bleeding is not usually painful, it would still be considered by the doctor as invaluable information if you would tell him of any pain you may have felt. If there was none, then no worries, just tell your doctor.

Other Helpful Information

Aside from informing your GP about any blood in the urine, you might also want to inform your GP of the instances when the blood appears. For instance, there are times when you would only see blood when you start to pee. There are cases when blood is mixed with the urine.

Remember that blood in the urine does not automatically mean that you have bladder cancer. There are other possibilities. However, the safest is always to check with your GP.

Risk Factors

There are persons who may be at a higher risk of developing bladder cancer than others. Cancer Research UK provided some of the risk factors. For one, smokers are said to be at a higher risk of developing bladder cancer than non-smokers.

Family history is another risk factor. Those who have family members who have suffered from bladder cancer are at a higher risk. Overweight individuals are at a higher risk, too, compared to those who maintain a regular weight.

So if you have noticed blood in your urine and you know of any of these risk factors, better consult your GP. With bladder cancer, early detection and treatment will be crucial.