Best Places to Retire 2019

Bella Vista, AR

the place image

Bella Vista, AR

median home price
cost of living
As of April 2019
Scenic Ozarks foothill town of 29,000 in very northwest corner of Arkansas, 200 miles south of Kansas City. Median home price $171,000, 31% below the national median. Cost of living 4% below national average. PROS: Good air quality, warm climate. Many lakes. Low serious crime rate. Good economy. Adequate doctors per capita. No state income tax on Social Security and up to $6,000 of other retirement income per person. No state estate or inheritance tax. Good rank on Milken Institute best cities for aging list. CONS: Not
very walkable. NOTED: On list last two years. Elevation 1,200 feet. TRIVIA: Founded a century ago by a Presbyterian minister as a summer resort.
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