Controlled burn Taylorsville Lake File Photo.jpg

Courtesy of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife 

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- A portion of the Taylorsville Lake Wildlife Management Area is intentionally being set on fire Monday and Tuesday as part of a controlled burn. 

Officials with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife are conducted the burn on 585 acres located on the western half of the Briar Ridge Area at Taylorsville Lake. 

The controlled burn will help improve forest and grassland health, which helps food sources for the area habitat, according to wildlife officials. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife also says November is an optimal time for the burn to get rid of undesirable tree species. 

Access to Taylorsville Lake and the other 9,418 acres of the area will not be restricted during the burn. 

During the scheduled burn, Old Briar Ridge Road can be accessed from Kentucky 248 west to the Taylorsville Lake shooting range.

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