If you are actually flying from Florianopolis, Brazil to Seattle, WA, United States or if you are just curious to know the flight time between Florianopolis and Seattle, WA, this page will give you the information you are looking for.

Seattle, WA

Flight time from Florianopolis to Seattle, WA is 16 hours 39 minutes

The nearest airport to Florianopolis, is Hercilio Luz Airport (FLN) and the nearest airport to Seattle, WA, is Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)

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Distance from Florianopolis to Seattle, WA is approximately 11120 kilometers.

How long does it take to fly from Florianopolis to Seattle, WA?

There are very few non-stop flights from Florianopolis to Seattle, WA. Therefore, you'll have to take connecting flights. In such cases, flight time depend on the stopover destination specified by your airline or the one you choose while booking your ticket.

Florianopolis time is 4 hours ahead of Seattle, WA

Current time in Florianopolis, Brazil : Wed, 24 Apr, 2024,
Florianopolis Timezone: -03 (-03:00)

12:07 AM

Current time in Seattle, WA, United States :, Tue, 23 Apr, 2024,
Seattle, WA Timezone: PDT (-07:00)

08:07 PM

FLN to SEA Flight - Florianopolis Airport to Seattle, WA Airport Flight Route Map

Location of Florianopolis Airport & Seattle, WA Airport is given below. Click the map to view Florianopolis to Seattle, WA flight path and travel direction.

Find flying time from Hercilio Luz Airport or Florianopolis or any other airport or city in Brazil to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

A list of major Cities/Airports around the world is given below. Click on any of the airport names given below to find the flight distance from Florianopolis to those airports.

Find flight time from Hercilio Luz Airport or Florianopolis or any other airport or city in Brazil to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

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