Effects of Exercise on Depressive Symptoms in Adults With Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Disease

A Systematic Review of Meta-analyses

George A Kelley; Kristi S Kelley


BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15(121) 

In This Article



The purpose of the current study was to conduct a systematic review of previous meta-analyses addressing the effects of exercise (aerobic, strength training or both) in the treatment of depressive symptoms in adults with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia or systemic lupus erythematous. While no meta-analyses were included for participants with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematous, two meta-analyses in fibromyalgia participants met the eligibility criteria.[30,37] Generally speaking, it appears that exercise can reduce depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia. This interpretation is supported by (1) the non-overlapping confidence intervals for SMDs, (2) statistical significance of the SMDs, (3) sensitivity of results with each study deleted from the model once, (4) cumulative meta-analysis, (5) low NNT, (6) absolute number of people in the US who might benefit by starting and maintaining an exercise program, (7) percentile improvements as a result of exercise and (8) good overall methodological quality of each meta-analysis as assessed by the AMSTAR instrument. However, for both,[30,37] a statistically significant and relatively large amount of heterogeneity was observed as well as overlapping prediction intervals. In addition, small-study effects were found for the Hauser et al.[37] meta-analysis and based on the work of others,[44] may have been underpowered for the Busch et al.[30] study. Consequently, the strength of the overall findings may be weakened by these results.

The overall findings of the included meta-analyses compare quite favorably to the effects of pharmacologic interventions on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia. For example, Hauser et al.[45] conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effects of antidepressants (tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors) on depressed mood in adults with fibromyalgia. Across 10 SMDs that included 887 participants (451 treatment, 436 control) a small SMD improvement of -0.26 (95% CI, -0.39, -0.12, p < 0.001) was reported. However, in contrast to the exercise meta-analyses included in the current study,[30,37] no statistically significant heterogeneity was observed (Q = 6.39, p = 0.70, I 2 = 0%). Thus, while the effects of antidepressants were generally smaller,[45] the results were more consistent than the two exercise meta-analyses included in the current study.[30,37] The former notwithstanding, one should also consider the potential side-effects and costs of any type of pharmacotherapy, including antidepressants.

Implications for Research

The results of the current systematic review of previous meta-analyses have at least eight implications for future research. First, while the overall quality of both meta-analyses was considered to be good, there are several areas that might be improved upon in future meta-analytic work. These include avoiding the use of publication status as an inclusion criterion as well as documenting and providing a list of not only included studies but also excluded studies, including the reasons for exclusion. While there is little doubt in the investigators' minds regarding the latter recommendation, avoiding the use of publication status as an inclusion criterion could be questioned. For example, van Driel et al. suggested that (1) the difficulty in retrieving unpublished work could lead to selection bias, (2) many unpublished trials are eventually published, (3) the methodological quality of such studies are poorer than those that are published, and (4) the effort and resources required to obtain unpublished work may not be warranted.[46]

Second, both included studies were aggregate data meta-analyses.[30,37] While still the most common type of meta-analysis, individual-participant data meta-analyses (IPD) have been suggested to be the gold standard when attempting to quantitatively combine data from different studies on the same topic.[47] Thus, future meta-analysts may want to consider using the IPD approach when addressing the effects of exercise in the treatment of depressive symptoms in adults with arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. However, the use of the IPD approach needs to be considered with respect to the ability to retrieve IPD from investigators as well as the increased costs and time associated with the conduct of such.[48]

Third, given the apparent paucity of data available on adverse events and cost-effectiveness in the original studies included in both meta-analyses,[30,37] there is a need for future randomized controlled trials to collect and report this information. The inclusion of such information is critical when making decisions regarding which interventions to recommend over others.

Fourth, the dose–response effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia are still unknown. While the meta-analysis by Hauser et al. found no statistically significant differences between either low or moderate intensity aerobic exercise and land versus water-based exercise,[37] future research in this area appears warranted. Greater knowledge of the dose–response effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia should lead to better treatment in this population.

Fifth, no meta-analysis that was limited to the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematous met the eligibility criteria for the current study. Since the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms may vary across different populations, it appears plausible to suggest that future meta-analytic work be limited and focused on these groups. This is of course assuming that previous randomized controlled trials have assessed depressive symptoms in these populations.

Sixth, because neither meta-analysis reported NNT with respect to depressive symptoms,[30,37] it is suggested that future meta-analytic work include such. From the investigators' perspective, the inclusion of such information is important because it provides practically relevant information to decision-makers (practitioners, policy-makers, etc.) regarding the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia.

Seventh, given the significant heterogeneity in the included meta-analyses, future meta-analytic research on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia should try and identify the sources of this heterogeneity. Broadly, this may include such things as participant characteristics (for example, age, gender), intervention characteristics (for example, length, frequency, intensity, duration, mode) and outcome assessment methods (for example, type of instrument used to assess depression). Again, this is of course assuming that sufficient data are available to examine these potential predictors.

Eighth, the majority of the participants that comprised both meta-analyses were women.[30,37] The inclusion of primarily women for the studies nested within each meta-analysis appears plausible given that the prevalence of fibromyalgia is greater in women than men.[4] However, it would appear appropriate to suggest that future research examine the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in men to ensure that no differences in response exist.

Implications for Practice

The results of the current systematic review of previous meta-analyses have important implications for practice. First, while there was a lack of adverse event and cost-effectiveness data as well as substantial between-study heterogeneity in both meta-analyses,[30,37] exercise appears to improve depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia and could be recommended as part of an overall treatment plan that may also include education and/or pharmacotherapy. This exercise recommendation is consistent with previous recommendations on aerobic and strength training for a variety of outcomes in adults with fibromyalgia.[49,50] Second, while the dose–response effects of exercise in the treatment of depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia have not been firmly established,[51] it would appear prudent to recommend that practitioners follow the general recommendations described by Skinner.[51] These include exercise programs that (1) minimize any increase in pain, fatigue or other symptoms, (2) begin at a low level and progress gradually, (3) allow for day to day variations based on how the participant feels, (4) improve the physiological and psychological functioning of the participant and (5) promote long-term adherence.[51] More specifically, a combined program of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise (walking and swimming for example) combined with low to moderate intensity strength training may be better tolerated than high intensity activity.[51] Given the day to day variation in how fibromyalgia participants may feel, intensity may be better monitored using something like rating of perceived exertion scales[52–55] versus a percentage of 1-repetition maximum (strength training) and maximum heart rate, heart rate reserve or percentage of maximum oxygen consumption (aerobic training).[51]

Strengths and Potential Limitations of Current Study

There are at least five strengths of the current study. First, to the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first systematic review of previous meta-analyses that has examined the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with arthritis and other rheumatic disease, an increasingly important approach for addressing the effects of various healthcare interventions and making subsequent decisions regarding such.[11] Second, the additional analyses conducted based on the available data (small-study effects, influence analysis, NNT, etc.), helped strengthen the information from which conclusions could be drawn from both included meta-analyses.[30,37] Third, the calculation and inclusion of PIs for the overall results from each included meta-analysis provides investigators with information that can aid them in planning future randomized controlled trials examining the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults with fibromyalgia. Fourth, the investigative team believes that the calculation of percentile improvements, NNT and gross estimates of the absolute number of adults with fibromyalgia who could improve their depressive symptoms by initiating and maintaining a program of regular exercise enhances the practical applicability and importance of findings. Fifth, while the inclusion of only two meta-analyses may initially appear to be a limitation of the current study, the investigators view this as a strength given that as many as 32 SMDs on depressive symptoms in as many as 870 participants across multiple studies were included. To put this in perspective, the Cochrane Collaboration suggests that the minimum number of studies needed to conduct a meta-analysis is two.[8] Given this line of thinking, it would appear plausible to suggest that the minimum number of meta-analyses that need to be included in a study of systematic reviews with meta-analyses is one.

While there are several strengths of the current study, there are also at least four potential limitations. First, the investigative team focused on depressive symptoms.[30,37] While more focused and applicable, other relevant outcomes (anxiety, quality of life, quality of sleep, pain, fatigue, stiffness, physical function) were not captured. Second, the gross population estimates for the number of people in the US with fibromyalgia who could improve their depressive symptoms by beginning and maintaining a regular exercise program assumed that none of those with fibromyalgia in the US exercise on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the investigative team is not aware of any current research on the prevalence of physical activity in US adults with fibromyalgia, and thus, was unable to adjust for such. In addition, it was not possible to adjust for any other potentially confounding factors (for example, age). Therefore, the reported estimates might be inflated. Third, as with any systematic review, many of the biases inherent in both the included meta-analyses as well as the randomized controlled trials that comprised each meta-analysis may have also been present in the current study. Fourth, while results were generalized to both men and women, the majority of participants included in both meta-analyses were women.[30,37] Thus, such a generalization may have been inappropriate.
