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This Free Colorado Hiking Trail Takes You 2,000 Feet Into The Sky

Get those steps in!
Manitou Incline In Colorado Lets You Hike Up 2,744 Steps For Free

If running late is your only form of cardio, you might want to up your game by trying this epic hike. Manitou Incline in Colorado is a towering 2,744 climb that will give you amazing views (and some sore muscles). You might be exhausted after this intense journey, but it is worth every moment.

Cardio can be challenging, but if you're getting some incredible views along the way, it makes it even better.

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Manitou Incline is made up of over 2,700 steps, which used to serve as cable car rails.

After they were taken out, the ties that remained behind are used by hikers. The "steps" allow you to get to the top of the steep hill.

While the workout is challenging, it is one of the most rewarding climbs in the area and ends with panoramic views of Manitou Springs.

The best part is the adventure is completely free. You need to make a reservation, as spots are limited. 

According to the booking website, "Reservations are available 6 a.m.– 6 p.m., daily."

You will need to bring your booking reference when you arrive to hike so that a staff member can check you in.

Once you've finished your breathtaking (literally) climb, you can head into the town where local businesses offer discounts for anyone with an "Incline Wristband."

You can hike and get perks afterward — as if the stunning vistas weren't motivation enough.

There is parking near the base of the hill at the Hiawatha Gardens lot, which is free and even provides a shuttle to the start of the trail.

You can book up to seven days in advance to get a chance on this local gem, and your body will thank you once your muscles recover.

If you were looking for another reason to visit, the chance to brag about reaching the top is an opportunity you don't want to waste.

Manitou Incline

Price: Free

Address: 444 Ruxton Ave., Manitou Springs, CO

Why You Need To Go: Put your cardio to the test on this epic hill that boasts 2,744 steps.

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and, most of all, be respectful on your trip.

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