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Batteries & Supercapacitors in Consumer Electronics 2013-2023: Forecasts, Opportunities, Innovation

Energy storage markets for laptops, phones, tablets, cameras and wireless sensors, including conventional & thin film batteries

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Mobile phone and laptop sales have increased consistently by double digits in the last years. Now with the presence of smartphones and tablet PCs this trend will boost in the following years. This new age of communications, information and portability would not have been possible without energy storage solutions to power these portable devices.
Lithium batteries are currently the dominant technology in the energy storage space because of their superior energy density characteristics. The consumer electronics industry has pushed their production to the scale of billions and consequently, through economies of scale, optimized its supply chain and reduced their price. However, lithium battery technology capabilities are being challenged by the modern multifunctional portable devices which are increasingly requiring higher performance in terms of power density. Whilst current research and development pathways aim for the emergence of a new generation of high energy density technologies, alternative energy storage technologies, are challenging the dominance of lithium batteries. This is the case with supercapacitors, which are an emerging energy storage technology, whose characteristics make them strong candidates for satisfying those specific functions where lithium batteries underperform.
Energy storage space including supercapacitors
Source: IDTechEx
On the other hand, the developments of electronics and material science is allowing for new developments in the energy storage field. Now we can build, or better said, print, thin film batteries on different surfaces allowing for new energy storage solutions which coupled with energy harvesting (collecting energy from the environment) and radio frequency technologies unlock many potential applications as traceability in consumer product supply chains and internet remote localization without the need of big devices, just to mention some examples.
This report leads you from the basic concepts to understand the technologies in the energy storage industry including the advantages and limitations of different technologies. This is followed by a comprehensive section of the supercapacitor technology explaining where they fit in the energy storage industry and their potential applications. Finally it introduces the emerging and future technologies in the energy storage space: Thin Film and Flexible Batteries. We present both for batteries and supercapacitors their current research and development paths leading to improvements. Through these sections we highlight the work of the companies involved in this industry. Expanding from previous editions we present potential cost reduction paths for lithium batteries, drivers of the consumer electronic industry, the potential role of super capacitors and innovative technologies and their niche markets. In addition this report presents IDTechEx's comprehensive study of companies in the lithium battery industry: 138 manufacturers of lithium-based rechargeable batteries, including their country, cathode and anode chemistry, electrolyte morphology case type and application priorities. We present a 10 year forecast on lithium batteries, supercapacitors, RFID and wireless sensors applications.
Value sales 2013
Source: IDTechEx
Energy Storage for Smart and Portable Electronic Devices is currently the biggest and fastest growing battery market. The Consumer Electronics segment is one of the fastest changing markets. Portable electronic devices are becoming increasingly multifunctional and this trend is currently requiring better performance from batteries. This report explains the drivers in this changing segment, what are these changes demanding from battery technologies and what are the research and development paths to improve battery technologies accordingly. We present a new entrant technology in the energy storage industry: supercapacitors, which compared with batteries, can deliver high power instantly and do not rely on chemical processes to store energy so they have longer useful lives. We present what is the role of this new technology as an alternative to improve battery performance and satisfy the changing demands of the consumer electronics market. Indeed supercapacitors as an emerging energy storage alternative are challenging the predominance of batteries and complementing their functions. By the other hand thin film batteries open a new category in energy solutions for specific niche markets which can potentially launch them to mass production. RFID and Wireless Sensors are two examples. Emerging battery manufacturing technologies as spray battery painting and new technologies as transparent batteries hold the promise of opening new possibilities in portable device design and energy storage applications.
This report has a global coverage and presents global forecasts and players in the sector.
In this report we provide a 10 year forecast (2013-2023) for the following segments of the energy storage for portable devices and related markets:
  • Primary Batteries
  • Secondary (or Rechargeable Batteries) (Lithium Batteries)
  • Supercapacitors for Smart and Portable Devices
  • RFID and Wireless Sensors applications
In addition this report presents IDTechEx's comprehensive study of companies in the lithium battery industry: 138 manufacturers of lithium-based rechargeable batteries, including their country, cathode and anode chemistry, electrolyte morphology case type and application priorities.
Some of the insights you will find in this report:
  • Following the trend of smartphones, portable devices are becoming increasingly multifunctional, in this report you will find what this trend will be demanding from the energy storage industry.
  • What trends are behind the primary consumer battery market contraction?
  • How supercapacitors will step in the consumer electronics industry? What will be the value of this market in 2023?
  • What are the pathways for cost reduction and increased performance for Lithium Batteries?
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Table of Contents
1.1.Objective of this report
1.1.Schematic of Smart and Portable Electronic Devices within the Energy Storage Classification
1.1.Global market for all small batteries for use in small devices $ billion
1.2.Forecast for Smart and Portable Devices
1.2.Energy Storage for Smart and Portable Electronic Devices within the Energy Storage Space
1.2.Batteries, Supercapacitors and Alternative Energy Storage for Smart and Portable Electronic devices in context
1.3.IDTechEx forecasts
1.3.Global market for all small batteries for use in small devices $ billion
1.3.Forecast Volume for active RFID and Wireless Sensors
1.4.Breakdown of Energy Storage for Smart Consumer Electronic Devices market in 2012-2023 by shape-application, unit price, total volume and total value
1.4.Forecast portable consumer electronics
1.4.Total global battery market
1.5.Rechargeable batteries by use
1.5.Global Market for Energy Storage for Smart Consumer Electronic Devices $ billion
1.5.Global Market for Energy Storage for Smart and Portable Electronic Devices
1.6.Global market for supercapacitors for use in smart and portable electronic devices $ billion
1.6.Global Market for Energy Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID
1.6.Cost Drivers and Cost Structure of Lithium Ion Batteries
1.6.1.Cost Structure of Lithium Ion batteries
1.6.2.Paths for further cost reductions on Lithium-ion Batteries
1.7.138 Lithium-based Rechargeable Battery Manufacturers - Chemistry, Strategy, Success, Potential
1.7.Pie chart of primary use batteries, secondary batteries and supercapacitors value sales in 2013
1.7.Total and small device battery market 2013 and 2023 $billions
1.8.Potential Cathodes and Anode with improved performance
1.8.Pie chart of primary batteries, secondary batteries and supercapacitors value sales in 2023
1.8.Power requirements of small devices
1.8.1.Power Demand and Specific Power
1.8.2.Capacity, Energy Density and Specific Power
1.9.The Consumer Electronics game is changing: a role for supercapacitors?
1.9.Breakdown of battery market by Chemistry
1.9.Comparison of some options for large rechargeable lithium batteries and companies involved.
1.9.1.Smartphones and Tablet PCs are changing the game of consumer electronics
1.9.2.An analysis of power consumption in Smartphones
1.9.3.A role for supercapacitors in the consumer electronics market
1.10.Alternative directions
1.10.Global market for rechargeable batteries by use in 2009 in millions of units
1.10.Nomenclature for lithium-based rechargeable batteries
1.10.1.Transparent Smartphone
1.10.2.Spray Painted Batteries
1.10.3.Flexible Smartphone
1.10.4.New market drivers
1.11.Learning Curve for Laptop Lithium Batteries
1.11.138 manufacturers and putative manufacturers of lithium-based rechargeable batteries with country, cathode and anode chemistry, electrolyte morphology, case type, applicational priorities and customer relationships
1.12.Examples of energy density figures for batteries, supercapacitors and other energy sources
1.12.Cost Structure of 18650 Lithium-ion Cell
1.12.Wearable Electronics Can Favour Supercapacitors but the big New Market is for Li-ion
1.13.Development Path Improved Materials
1.13.Segments of the emerging wearable technology market, almost all needing energy storage. Largest markets for the coming decade are shown in red.
1.14.IDTechEx forecast of the market for wearable technology in 2024
1.14.Expanded focus for development paths for cost reduction in Lithium Batteries
1.15.Power requirements of small electronic products including Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and GSM mobile phones and the types of battery employed
1.16.Power in use vs duty cycle for portable and mobile devices showing zones of use of single use vs rechargeable batteries
1.17.Comparison of energy stored per unit of volume and weight for lithium and other battery chemistry
1.18.Ragone Plots for an array of energy storage and energy conversion devices
1.19.Multifunctionality, Portability and Power Demand Trends
1.20."Multifunctionality all day long" in mobile marketing
1.21.Average system power for different functions of selected smartphones
1.22.Multifunctionality trends in the consumer electronics industry
1.23.Promotion of Paramount Picture's Film "Iron Man 2", Tony Stark holding a transparent LC concept Smart Phone
1.24.Transparent Battery Waseda University
1.25.Nokia Kinetic
1.26.Where wearable technology is intended to be used
1.27.Integration of PV films into textile
1.28.Powerweave solar airship concept
1.29.Dip method fibre supercapacitor
1.30.Stretchable supercapacitor yarn
2.1.Small electrical and electronic devices
2.1.Comparison of relevant parameters
2.1.Important milestones in battery and capacitor history
2.2.Battery characteristics
2.2.Active RFID patents
2.2.Popular chemistry and shape
2.3.What is a battery?
2.3.Rapid progress in the capabilities of small electronic devices and their photovoltaic energy harvesting contrasted with more modest progress in improving the batteries they employ
2.3.Some limitations of batteries in small electronic devices and some solutions
2.3.1.Battery definition
2.3.2.Analogy to a container of liquid
2.3.3.Construction of a battery
2.3.4.Many shapes of battery
2.3.5.Single use vs rechargeable batteries
2.3.6.Challenges with batteries in small devices
2.4.What is a capacitor?
2.4.Rechargeable energy storage - where supercapacitors fit in
2.4.Examples of applications of batteries large vs small
2.4.1.Capacitor definition
2.4.2.Analogy to a spring
2.4.3.Capacitor construction
2.5.Limitations of energy storage devices
2.5.Energy density vs power density for storage devices
2.5.Applications of printed batteries by vendor
2.5.1.The electronic device and its immediate support
2.5.3.Improvement in performance taking place
2.6.Construction of a battery cell
2.6.Five ways in which a capacitor acts as the electrical equivalent of the spring
2.7.Advantages and disadvantages of some options for supplying electricity to small devices
2.7.MEMS compared with a dust mite less than one millimetre long
2.8.Power in use vs duty cycle for portable and mobile devices showing zones of use of single use vs rechargeable batteries
2.8.Some limitations of batteries in small electronic devices and some solutions
2.9.Principle of the creation and maintenance of an aluminium electrolytic capacitor
2.10.Construction of wound electrolytic capacitor
2.11.Comparison of construction diagrams of three basic types of capacitor
2.12.Types of ancillary electrical equipment being improved to serve small devices
2.13.Rapid progress in the capabilities of small electronic devices and their photovoltaic energy harvesting contrasted with more modest progress in improving the batteries they employ
3.1.Technology successes and failures
3.1.Volumetric energy density vs gravimetric energy density for rechargeable batteries
3.1.Specifications of Lithium Ion shapes and typical use
3.2.Cost Drivers in Lithium Ion Batteries.
3.2.Nominal parameters of selected rechargeable battery chemistries.
3.2.Lithium ion
3.2.1.Formats of the leading forms of battery
3.2.2.Cost Drivers of Lithium Ion Batteries.
3.2.3.Materials Cost Drivers
3.2.4.Improvements in specific energy and/or energy density
3.2.5.Anode New Materials Development
3.2.6.Cathode New Materials Improvement
3.2.7.Improvements in Power
3.2.8.Improvements in safety and reliability
3.2.9.The Lithium Batteries of the Future
3.2.10.Materials and economies of scale
3.2.11.Manufacturing cost drivers
3.3.Shapes of Lithium ion Batteries
3.3.Economies of scale for different electrode chemistries
3.4.Scheme of a common lithium ion battery
3.5.Evolution of the lithium battery sale in the consumer electronic and HEV market
3.6.Learning Curve Lithium-ion 18650 typical Laptop Battery cell
3.7.Cost Structure of Lithium Ion Battery Cell 18650
3.8.Cost Structure of Typical Lithium Ion 18650 Battery Cell
3.9.Incremental vs Disruptive breakthrough in anode active material
3.10.Lithium material before and after cycling.
3.11.Fine Structure of SiO Material. The SiO Material has a complex structure consisting of a mixture of Si nanoparticles and amorphous SiO2.
3.12.Schematic Model of SiO Anode Charge-discharge Mechanism. During initial charging, the SiO2 Anode changes to amorphous Li4SiO4 (lithium orthosilicate) which acts as a conductor of lithium ions.
3.13.Discharge characteristics of Lithium-ion Batteries with High Energy Density that Use Active Anode and Cathode Materials. The ZR series uses SiO anode material and the WR series uses SiO anode and nickel-oxide cathode material.
3.14.Characteristics at High Discharge Rates of Lithium-ion Batteries with SiO Anode Material. At a discharge rate of 2.5 C, the prismatic cell with an SiO anode can discharge 100% of its capacity compared to only 60% for a conventiona
3.15.Potential for reductions in battery costs
3.16.Summary of Li-ion Technologies
3.17.Envia Cell Energy Density
3.18.Envia Cell Voltage and Specific Capacity
3.19.Envia's Technology Progression
4.1.Evolution of Markets for Lithium Ion Batteries
4.1.Lithium-ion Battery Market Trends
4.1.Forecast for Smart and Portable Devices
4.2.Forecast portable consumer electronics
4.2.Forecast for Smart and Portable Devices
4.3.Trends in Smart and Portable Electronic Devices
4.3.The IBM Simon, IPhone's grandfather, the first "smartphone"
4.3.1.Increasing Multifunctionality: From Simon to IPhone.
4.3.2.Is the race for the thinnest mobile in the market over?
4.3.3.The iPad
4.3.4.IPhone and Nokia want a piece of Cannon and Nikkon's market- Can Supercapacitors play a role on this strategy?
4.3.5.Power Efficiency due to Multiple Core Processors in Smartphones
4.4.Supercapacitors as a solution for peak power requirements in smart and portable devices
4.4.Multifunctionality and Portability Trends
4.4.1.An analysis of power consumption in Smartphones
4.4.2.Digital Cameras Flash - why today's digital cameras need a more powerful flash
4.4.3.Laptop Solid State Drives use Supercapacitors
4.5.Time line for mobile phones
4.6.Specifications of Selected Portable Devices
4.7.iPad from Inside
4.8.iphone concept with interchangeable lenses
4.9.Nokia 808 Pure View
4.10.Extract from CBR Computer Business Review
4.11.Power breakdown in suspended state, the aggregate power consumed is 68.6 mW.
4.12.Average power consumption while in the idle state with backlight of. Aggregate power is 268.8 mW
4.13.Display backlight power for varying brightness levels
4.14.Power consumption of Wifi and GSM modems, CPU, and RAM for the network benchmark.
4.15.GPS Energy Consumption
4.16.Audio playback power breakdown. Aggregate power consumed is 320 mW.
4.17.Video playback power breakdown. Aggregate power excluding backlight is 453.5 mW.
4.18.GSM phone call average power. Excluding backlight, the aggregate power is 1054.3 mW
4.19.Power breakdown for sending an SMS. Aggregate power consumed is 302.2 mW, excluding backlight.
4.20.Power consumption for an email. Aggregate power consumption (excluding backlight) is 610.0 mW over GPRS, and 432.4 mW for Wifi.
4.21.Web browsing average power over Wifi and GPRS. Aggregate power consumption is 352.8 mW for Wifi, and 429.0 mW for GPRS, excluding backlight.
4.22.Average system power for different functions of selected smartphones
4.23.High Power LED Supercapacitor Solution Block Diagram.
4.24.CAP-XX Supercapacitor Solution Circuit Implementation
4.25.Photos in low light with normal phone (left) and phone modified with CAP-XX supercapacitor-based solution (right)
4.26.Battery current, LED current and supercapacitor voltage for the CAP-XX solution"
5.1.Energy Storage for Wireless Sensors and RFID
5.1.Power Requirement for Small Devices
5.1.Claimed energy storage in AAA batteries
5.1.1.Customised and AAA/AA Batteries
5.1.2.Planar Energy Devices
5.1.3.Primary battery life extension
5.1.4.Always Ready Smart Nano Battery
5.1.5.Energy Storage of batteries in standard and laminar formats
5.1.6.Future options for higher energy density
5.1.7.Laminar Fuel Cells
5.1.8.Tadiran Batteries twenty year batteries
5.2.Power Supply options for Wireless Sensors Networks
5.2.Claimed energy storage in AA batteries
5.3.Lithium-Thionyl Chloride batteries
5.3.Planar Energy Devices Battery
5.4.Features of the Planar Energy devices batteries
5.4.Tadiran high power series
5.5.Tadiran cylindrical battery ratings
5.5.Conformable fuel cell
5.6.Conformable FuelCell StickerTM
5.7.Tadiran in EZ pass
5.8.Tadiran's new high voltage/high rate AA-sized lithium battery
6.1.Laminar lithium batteries
6.1.Laminar lithium ion battery
6.1.Printed and thin film battery product and specification comparison
6.2.Printed battery materials comparison
6.2.Typical active RFID tag showing the problematic coin cells
6.2.Laminar printed manganese dioxide batteries
6.2.1.Printed battery construction
6.2.2.Printed battery production facilities
6.2.3.Applications of printed batteries
6.2.4.Printed battery specifications
6.3.The half cell and overall chemical reactions that occur in a Zn/MnO2 battery
6.3.Ultrathin battery from Front Edge Technology
6.3.Construction of a lithium rechargeable laminar battery
6.4.Reel to reel construction of rechargeable laminar lithium batteries
6.4.Nanotube flexible battery
6.5.Transparent battery - NEC and Waseda University
6.5.Internal structure of Power Paper Battery
6.6.Power Paper printed manganese dioxide zinc battery that gathers moisture from the air
6.6.Battery Assembly through Spray Painting
6.7.Other emerging needs for laminar batteries - apparel and medical
6.7.Screen printing of Blue Spark Technology flexible, sealed, manganese dioxide zinc batteries
6.7.1.Electronic apparel
6.7.2.Wireless body area network
6.8.Power Paper production line for printed batteries
6.8.Biobatteries do their own harvesting
6.9.Battery that incorporates energy harvesting - FlexEl
6.9.Power Paper skin patch that delivers cosmetic through the skin by means of a printed battery and electrodes
6.10.Skin patches electronically communicating to skin patches powered by laminar batteries, coin cells being unacceptable
6.10.Microbatteries built with viruses
6.11.Biomimetic energy storage system
6.11.Audio Paper TM
6.12.Ultra thin lithium rechargeable battery
6.12.Magnetic spin battery
6.13.Construction of a thin-film battery
6.14.NanoEnergy® powering a blue LED
6.15.Flexible battery made of nanotube ink
6.16.Examples of transparent flexible technology
6.17.Flexible battery that charges in one minute
6.18.Paintable battery concept. (a) Simplified view of a conventional Li-ion battery, a multilayer device assembled by tightly wound 'jellyroll' sandwich of anode-separator-cathode layers. (b) Direct fabrication of Li-ion battery on th
6.19.Characterisation of Components by Weight in Spray Painted Batteries
6.20.Performance of Spray Painted Battery
6.21.Demonstrations of paintable battery
6.22.Electronic apparel - sports bra with diagnostic electronics and animated t-shirt displaying music
6.23.Wireless body area network
6.24.Disposable digital plaster
6.25.Sensium system
6.26.Microbattery built with viruses
6.27.Biomimetic energy storage
7.1.E-labels with capacitor and no battery
7.1.Example of capacitor storage application - e-labels
7.1.Comparison of the three types of capacitor when storing one kilojoule of energy.
7.2.Many shapes of capacitor
7.2.Where supercapacitors fit in
7.3.Energy density vs power density for storage devices
7.3.Capacitors for small devices
7.4.What does a supercapacitor for small devices look like?
7.4.Small carbon aerogel supercapacitors
7.5.Bikudo supercapacitor
7.5.Supercapacitors = Ultracapacitors
7.6.Where supercapacitors fit in
7.6.Laminar supercapacitor one millimetre thick
7.7.Mobile phone modified to give much brighter flash thanks to supercapacitor outlined in red
7.7.Advantages and disadvantages
7.8.How it all began
7.8.Perpetuum energy harvester with its supercapacitors
7.9.Citizen Eco-DriveTM solar powered wristwatch with rechargeable battery
7.10.Uses in small devices.
7.10.Symmetric supercapacitor construction
7.11.Symmetric compared to asymmetric supercapacitor construction
7.11.Relevance to energy harvesting
7.11.1.Perpetuum harvester
7.11.2.Human power to recharge portable electronics
7.11.3.Use in nanoelectronics
7.12.Single sheets of graphene
7.12.Can supercapacitors replace capacitors?
7.13.Can supercapacitors replace batteries?
7.13.Graphene supercapacitor cross section
7.14.Flexible supercapacitor
7.14.Electric vehicle demonstrations and adoption
7.15.How an EDLC supercapacitor works
7.15.Flexible, transparent supercapacitors - bend and twist them like a poker card
7.15.1.Basic geometry
7.15.2.Properties of EDL
7.15.4.Discharging and cycling
7.15.5.Energy density
7.15.6.Achieving higher voltages
7.16.The UCLA printed supercapacitor technologies on a ragone plot
7.16.Improvements coming along
7.16.1.Better electrodes
7.16.2.Better electrolytes
7.16.3.Better carbon technologies
7.16.4.Carbon nanotubes and Graphene
7.16.5.Carbon aerogel
7.16.6.Solid activated carbon
7.16.7.Carbon derived carbon
7.16.8.Fast charging is achieved
7.17.Illustration of a core-shell supercapacitor electrode design for storing electrochemical energy
7.17.Microscopic supercapacitors become possible
7.18.MnO2-CNT-sponge electrodes
7.18.Flexible, paper and transparent supercapacitors
7.18.1.University of Minnesota
7.18.2.University of Southern California
7.18.3.Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA
7.19.The energy storage membrane
7.19.Woven wearable supercapacitors
7.20.National University of Singapore: a competitor for supercapacitors?
7.20.The Linear Technology surge power solution. LTC4425 charger IC manages a series pair of supercapacitors, charges them from Li-ion/polymer cells, USB port, or DC source
7.21.Block diagram of energy harvesting power architecture with a supercapacitor
7.21.Handling surge power in electronics
7.22.Wireless systems and Burst-Mode Communications
7.22.CAP-XX GZ215 Supercapacitor leakage current over time
7.23.Charging at low currents
7.23.Energy harvesting
7.23.1.Bicycles and wristwatches
7.23.2.Polyacenes or polypyrrole
7.23.3.New shapes
7.23.4.Human power to recharge portable electronics
7.24.Time to charge CAP-XX HZ102 A constant current to 2.5V with no pre-charge (5μA 0supercapacitors with 5 min), and varying times for pre-charge from 1 minute to 50 minutes.
7.24.Using a supercapacitor to manage your power
7.24.1.A glimpse at the new magic
7.25.Low current active balance circuit
7.25.Supercabatteries or bacitors
7.26.Ageing, capacitance loss over time at room temperature, ambient relative humidity. Sizing the supercapacitor
7.27.Model for solving the constant power case. Note that VSUPERCAP is not physically measureable, since C & ESR are idealized parameters within the supercapacitor.
7.28.Output Power vs Output Voltage for Perpetuum Microgenerator which harvests vibration energy at 100Hz or 120Hz, ideal for AC machines. Maximum power is delivered when the output voltage is between 4V - 5V. Open circuit voltage is 9
7.29.Example of a supercapacitor interface circuit
8.1.Aowei Technology
8.3.Elbit Systems
8.5.Hutchinson SA
8.7.Maxwell Technologies Inc
8.8.Nesscap Energy
8.9.Paper Battery Company
8.10.Saft Batteries
8.11.Skeleton Technologies
8.12.WIMA Spezialvertrieb elektronischer Bauelemente
9.1.Blue Spark Technologies USA
9.1.Blue Spark laminar battery
9.1.Panasonic lithium-ion batteries specifications
9.2.Cap-XX Technology
9.2.Cap-XX Australia
9.3.Celxpert Energy Corp. Taiwan Head Quarter
9.3.Celxpert notebook battery pack
9.4.Interchangeable notebook battery pack
9.4.Cymbet USA
9.5.Permanent Power for Wireless Sensors - White Paper from Cymbet
9.5.The Cymbet EnerChip™
9.6.Enercard EH Double-sided Module
9.7.Duracell USA
9.7.Tiny Energy Harvesting powered wireless sensors
9.8.Duracell NiOx batteries
9.8.Enfucell Finland
9.9.Excellatron USA
9.9.Enfucell SoftBattery™
9.10.Integrated printed electronics concept in business card format
9.10.Front Edge Technology USA
9.11.Frontier Carbon Corporation Japan
9.11.Thin-film solid-state batteries by Excellatron
9.12.The world's thinnest self standing rechargeable battery claims FET
9.12.Harvard University USA
9.13.Hitachi Maxell
9.13.Light in Africa
9.14.Silicon based anode material for lithium battery
9.14.Holst Centre Netherlands
9.15.Infinite Power Solutions USA
9.16.Solar-powered and Mechanical Storage: Lifeplayer and Prime Radi
9.16.Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Singapore
9.17.Lebônê Solutions South Africa
9.17.Murata supercapacitors
9.18.Researchers from Planar Energy -Devices, Inc., insert a sample into the vacuum chamber of the company's thin-film deposition system
9.18.Lifeline Energy
9.19.LG Chem
9.19.Planar Energy Devices has advanced the solid-state lithium battery from NREL's crude prototype (below) to a miniaturized, integrated device (bottom)
9.20.Flexible battery that charges in one minute
9.20.Lilliputian Systems
9.21.Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
9.21.Nippon Chemi-Con ELDCs - supercapacitors
9.22.First generation product: PowerPatch™
9.22.Maxwell Technologies Inc., USA
9.23.Murata Japan
9.23.New Planar Energy Devices high capacity laminar battery
9.24.Renata Batteries
9.24.National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA
9.25.NEC Japan
9.25.Flexion ™
9.26.Surveillance bat
9.26.Nippon Chemi-Con Japan
9.27.Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA
9.27.Sensor head on COM-BAT
9.28.Waseda founder
9.28.Panasonic Japan
9.29.Paper Battery Company USA
9.30.Planar Energy Devices USA
9.31.Renata Batteries
9.32.ReVolt Technologies Ltd
9.33.Sandia National Laboratory USA
9.35.Solicore USA
9.36.Sony Japan
9.37.Technical University of Berlin Germany
9.38.University of California Los Angeles USA
9.39.University of Michigan USA
9.40.Tadiran Batteries
9.41.University of Sheffield UK
9.42.University of Wollongong Australia
9.43.Waseda University
10.1.Market for energy storage for smart and portable electronic devices
10.1.Global market for all small batteries for use in small devices $ billion
10.1.Global market for all small batteries for use in small devices $ billion
10.1.1.IDTechEx forecasts
10.2.Forecast for Smart and Portable Devices
10.2.Forecast portable consumer electronics
10.2.Total global battery market
10.3.Batteries for Active RFID and Wireless Sensors Networks
10.3.Global Market for Energy Storage for Smart Consumer Electronic Devices $ billion
10.3.Forecast Volume for active RFID and Wireless Sensors
10.3.2.Batteries for gift cards
10.3.3.Batteries for car keys
10.4.Breakdown of Energy Storage for Smart Consumer Electronic Devices market in 2012-2023 by shape-application, unit price, total volume and total value
10.4.Global Market for Energy Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID
10.4.Printed and thin film batteries 2013-2023
10.5.Forecast assumptions and Reality Checks
10.5.Global Market for supercapacitors for use in smart and portable electronic devices
10.5.Global Market for Energy Storage for Smart and Portable Electronic Devices
10.5.1.Rechargeable Energy Storage for Smart and Portable electronic devices.
10.5.2.Global Battery Outlook
10.6.Global market for supercapacitors for use in smart and portable electronic devices $ billion
10.6.Pie chart of primary use batteries, secondary batteries and supercapacitors value sales in 2013
10.7.Pie chart of primary batteries, secondary batteries and supercapacitors value sales in 2023
10.7.Total and small device battery market 2013 and 2023 $billions
10.8.Number (in millions) of active tags by application 2012-22
10.8.Global market for active RFID tags and wireless sensors
10.9.Average active tag price per application in US cents 2012-22
10.10.Value of active tags by application 2012-2022 (US Dollar Millions)
10.11.Market forecast for printed and potentially printed batteries in US $ billions 2013-2023
10.12.Global combined supercapacitor/ supercabattery market actual and forecast 2010-2023 $ billion ex-factory, with % and value when used for electronics vs electrical engineering

Report Statistics

Pages 380
Tables 48
Figures 188
Forecasts to 2023

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