7 Food Items Responsible for Causing Yellow Teeth And Why You Should STOP Having Them Right Away!

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee in a lengthy post on the Instagram post suggested 7 foods that are doing more harm than good to your teeth.

Published: May 18, 2022 2:57 PM IST

By India.com Lifestyle Staff | Edited by Anjali Thakur

7 Food Items Responsible for Causing Yellow Teeth And Why You Should STOP Having Them Right Away!
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Did you know the outer layer of your teeth helps in preventing your teeth from dental problems including cavities, and wear and tear from chewing? But it can’t prevent those stains. If you want that pearly white smile, then you must avoid certain foods and beverages. Yes, there are food-staining foods which are the real culprits.

No, you don’t have to visit a dentist to get your teeth whitened, you can avoid certain foods to prevent the yellowing of teeth. Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee in a lengthy Instagram post suggested 7 foods that are doing more harm than good to your teeth.

She wrote, “While teeth whitening is a popular option, most whitening products use chemicals to bleach your teeth, which concerns many people. It’s best to avoid these 7 foods to prevent discolouration and maintain the bright, white sparkle 😁✨”

Check out her post here:

In the post, Anjali suggested 7 foods including:

  1. Black Coffee: Coffee holds the number 1 spot for foods that stain your teeth.
  2. Tea: It can lead to unsightly teeth stains if had on a regular basis. Avoid black tea and opt for green, white and herbal teas which are healthier.
  3. Red Wine: The acids in wine create rough spots and grooves that discolour teeth.
  4. Colas: Dark sodas, including diet, are harmful to teeth because of their staining colour.
  5. Golas and Slushes: Ice-cold beverages create a perfect plot for food colourants in slushes and golas to cause teeth stains.
  6. Tobacco: Smoking or chewing tobacco causes dark brown or black stains due to coal tar combustion in the tobacco.
  7. Soy Sauce: Flavouring substances like soy sauce can stain the teeth too.

Will you quit these foods? Let us know in the comments below.

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