Oral Bisphosphonates Do Not Increase the Risk of Severe Upper Gastrointestinal Complications

A Nested Case-control Study

Arianna Ghirardi; Lorenza Scotti; Gianluca Della Vedova; Luca Cavalieri D'Oro; Francesco Lapi; Francesco Cipriani; Achille P Caputi; Alberto Vaccheri; Dario Gregori; Rosaria Gesuita; Annarita Vestri; Tommaso Staniscia; Giampiero Mazzaglia; Giovanni Corrao; on behalf of the AIFA-BEST Investigators


BMC Gastroenterol. 2014;14(5) 

In This Article


In summary this study provides further evidence that BPs dispensed for secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures are not associated with increased risk of severe gastrointestinal complications. Further research is required to clarify the role of co-medication with BPs and other medicaments in inducing upper gastrointestinal complications.
