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    Does quick cooking rice have less arsenic?

    Published: April 18, 2015 08:00 AM

    Q. Thanks so much for the update on arsenic in rice. But why are sushi and quick-cooking rice not included in the category "all types of rice"? And does rice that can be microwaved in 90 seconds qualify as quick cooking?—Edward Roberts, Rosanky, TX

    A. Sushi and quick-cooking rice were not included because they tend to be lower in arsenic than other types of rice from Arkansas, Louisiana, or Texas. We didn't have enough samples of 90-second rice to say anything definitive about it and therefore didn't include it in our analysis.

    For our full report and guidelines to follow to limit your exposure to arsenic check How much arsenic is in your rice? and watch our video below.

    Send your questions to

    Editor's Note:

    This article also appeared in the May 2015 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

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