Weight loss: You need to first cut the mental fat

Weight loss: You need to first cut the mental fat
Wanting too much, too fast – this is the major mental block to weight loss.

Get rid of all the mental blocks that can get in the way of your weight loss journey. Here's how to train your mind to lose weight.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : February 19, 2020 9:34 AM IST

Weight loss starts in your head and having the right attitude can help you achieve your goals. In order to succeed at weight loss, you need to first cut the mental fat say experts. Identify the patterns and habits in your life that are getting in the way of success - it may be work pressure, family issues, or something else. And to break your old habits, you need to see yourself in a positive way.

If you want to lose weight healthily, you need to first get rid of all the mental blocks that can get in the way of your weight loss journey. The best way to clear your mind is by thinking like a thin person. Here are 5 ways to train your mind to think thin.

Have patience, Weight loss is a slow process

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Wanting too much, too fast this is the major mental block to weight loss. Most dieters want immediate results, even though it took them years to gain those extra kilos. Patience is the first key to achieving your weight loss goals. But many people lose patience before reaching their end goal. Remember you will get the best results when you lose weight slowly.

Visualize your thinner self

If you want to be thin, visualize your future self may be 6 months down the line. Start thinking about how good you'll look and feel when you lose those extra kilos. You can use your old photographs of your thinner self as a reminder of your gaols.

Have Realistic Expectations

How much do you want to weigh? The number should be realistically attainable. Think about a realistic weight range, not a single number. For example,1-2 pounds (1lb = 0.45kg) per month, which is totally doable, sustainable and manageable.

Try setting smaller goals

Setting smaller goals will make your weight loss journey easier. It will improve your lifestyle without wreaking havoc in your life. So, set smaller goals like eating more fruits and vegetables every day, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, alcohols only on the weekends, replacing chips with low-fat popcorn, etc.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself after you have met one of your mini-goals. May be a trip to the movies, a manicure, or whatever that makes you feel good about your accomplishments, but not food.