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Are eggs healthy? New research sheds cholesterol concerns

Some people tout the protein benefit from eggs while other say they have too much cholesterol, but new research is shedding new light on the concerns.

Posted Updated

Allen Mask
, M.D., WRAL Health Team physician

Some people tout the protein benefit from eggs while other say they have too much cholesterol, but the latest research is shedding new light on the concerns.

Eggs are high in cholesterol, and a large amount of cholesterol in your blood can cause plaque buildup in your arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. But the research found that, in healthy people, eating eggs doesn't seem to raise the levels of cholesterol as much as experts once thought. It doesn't seem to increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, either.

"The science now is suggesting that other things, such as your weight, your ethnicity, your genes, your age, your saturated fat intake — those things might have more of an effect on your cholesterol levels," said Consumer Reports Health Editor Julia Calderone.

One large, 70-calorie egg packs an impressive assortment of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients, the magazine said. Researchers also found that eggs help with brain development, help maintain healthy skin and might play a role in reducing eye disease as people age.

The benefits help give the humble egg an honored place in refrigerators, as a cheap and healthy addition to any diet.

"Eggs are nutrient dense and minimally processed, so there are good reasons to fit them into a healthful diet," Calderone said.

Roughly one egg per day is a good guideline for most people, but Consumer Reports recommends people want to check with their doctors to figure out what's best.

The magazine also said people should store eggs in the back of a shelf, not on the door, where temperatures can be uneven.


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