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Morken: Dissecting what perfect access looks like in bow hunting for whitetails

Really focusing on stand locations based on access is as important as anything in getting on mature bucks consistently. Last season further pounded that point home for the author, and another spot found while aerial scouting maps on a big public property in Missouri this July is an example of what makes for a good spot to key-in on based on both potential for holding deer and getting in undetected.

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This North Dakota 10-pointer was shot on Nov. 3, 2020 after the author used the bank of the Red River to access the tree he set up in in order to stay off a field where deer were feeding in the early-morning hours. Terrain features like rivers, creek bottoms and ravines in hill country are things archers can look at right now on maps while electronic scouting to try to find areas that not only will hold deer but also provide great access opportunities into stand sites. (Eric Morken / Echo Press)

ALEXANDRIA, Minn. -- I sat at the camper table on the night of Nov. 2, 2020 scouring over my waypoints I had previously set on my onX Hunt map through my phone.

A weekend of scouting in North Dakota last summer helped me and my buddy, Tyler Notch of Alexandria, identify some good pinch points between bedding along the Red River. The morning of Nov. 3 was about the perfect time to hunt these during the pre-rut.

A mid-October hunt on an adjacent property showed me that does were using this field of turnips as a food source. The challenge now was getting into my tree undetected.

Walking across that open field would certainly spook deer in the early-morning darkness. The only other option was to take a 90-degree angle through a farm site and walk along the riverbank about 500 yards.

Anyone familiar with the Red River and its clay soil knows it does not provide the sturdiest of footing. I slipped my way along the wet, mucky and often almost vertical bank out of sight from that field about an hour before daylight.


I got into the tree that morning full of sweat, but confident that I hadn’t spooked a single deer. At about 8:30, a 10-pointer came in behind a doe and gave me a 15-yard shot .

Years ago I would have never thought of going through that trouble. I grew up as a shotgun hunter in southwestern Minnesota where we took the easiest route to the stand and waited for deer to run by, mostly pushed by other hunters. It often worked during gun season.

Not so much for archery where we’re relying on capitalizing more on a deer’s natural movement. I think about access into stands all the time now, but it’s only because I have experienced firsthand how much it impacts things.

This map shows access into a tree looking over a creek crossing where the author shot a buck on opening weekend of the Minnesota archery season in September of 2020. (Map graphic from onX Hunt)

The Minnesota buck I shot in 2020 came after slipping into a tree overlooking a creek crossing in September. That required walking the far edge of a standing corn field and then up that creek, out of sight of the high points on the ridges around me that a buck proved to be bedded on.

I really got serious about scouting 10 years ago. But just scouting and understanding things like bedding behavior of whitetails wasn’t enough. I knew mature bucks were in certain areas. Scrapes, rubs and sometimes game camera photos told me that.

Really committing to accessing an area without spooking those deer, which in some cases means a lot more work, was the turning point in consistently getting opportunities. It’s now the focal point of my electronic and boots-on-the-ground scouting.


Find an area that looks good. Can I get in undetected? If the answer is no, move on.

I was e-scouting a property in Missouri in early July when I found a spot that seems to set up perfectly. This is a nearly 3,000-acre piece of public land in steep hill country.

Despite plenty of hunting pressure, I almost got a shot here at the biggest buck I have ever seen last November, and my buddy, Jacob Busiahn of Duluth, had two days full of close encounters on good deer. We know we want to go back there in November, and one spot in particular has me really excited.

This map of a public piece of land in Missouri is an example of what the author is looking for when scouting unfamiliar properties electronically. In this case, the southernmost waypoint marked on the map looks to be the ideal stand location. Multiple points coming off of the north-facing ridge should hold deer, most likely on a south wind. The second key is being able to access the area from west to east by walking in the dark for a morning hunt through a creek bottom and up the ravine when thermals are pulling scent down into that bottom. Finding areas where you can get into a tree undetected should be one of the top priorities when thinking about potential sites to hunt for an archer. (Map from onX Hunt)

The tree location is at the top of a steep ravine that should pinch some of the deer movement along that high shelf. There are multiple north-facing points that drop down into a creek bottom, making for what should be ideal bedding off the points with a south wind.

I noticed while hunting this property a year ago that thermals overpowered the winds. Temperatures were in the 50 and 60s most days. As the sun warmed the ridges, the thermals pulled the airflow up those ravines.

It creates a perfect scenario for deer. They can sit and travel those north-racing ridge lines and see and smell below them with that thermal pull and also have south winds blow in over their backs. Bucks should be cruising a ridgeline like this in early November.


Access is not only far away from the nearest parking lot, but there is also a road I can get dropped off on before moving west to east through the creek bottom in the dark of early morning when the thermals should be pulling down into that bottom due to cooler air.

It can be intimidating scouting a huge property, especially unfamiliar country for an out-of-state hunt. My suggestion is to mark all the areas of interest where deer might frequent.

Maybe it’s a jagged ridge system like this in hill country with a lot of points. Maybe it’s areas of multiple habitat features coming together in flat terrain.

From there, ask which spots offer the best chance of getting in undetected. When those two things come together, you have an area that can up your chances on a short trip.

Eric Morken

Eric Morken is a sports and outdoor editor at the Echo Press Newspaper in Alexandria, Minnesota, a property of the Forum News Service. Morken covers a variety of stories throughout the Douglas County area, as well as statewide outdoor issues.
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