Broadbent Vaccine Worker with no glove

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Some of our viewers have expressed concern about volunteers at Broadbent Arena administering COVID-19 vaccinations without wearing gloves. Here's what Dr. Sarah Beth Hartlage, interim medical director at Louisville's health department, had to say about it during a news conference on Jan. 12:


"So the CDC has recommendations for personal protective equipment -- PPE -- to be worn by people who are giving injections. I'd like to first remind people that the gloves are designed to protect the person giving the shot and not for the protection of the patient. So in terms of the patient, it doesn't change risk factors at all. 

And when done with proper technique, which we confirm and instruct our volunteer nurses with every day -- actually every shift -- so three times a day. There is very little risk to the administerer as well. 

The only requirement from the CDC is to wear a face mask, which all of our volunteers are doing. We do have face sheets available, and then you see all those folks in yellow, so we have safety vests being worn as well because of the traffic around. But gloves are an optional addition, and it's not something that's necessary.... I do again want to remind people that there's no change to your risk as a patient versus any other injection you've ever received, and the patient is totally safe to receive a vaccine from someone who is not wearing gloves."

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