How can I cure ringworm?

I know ringworm sounds horrific but don't worry - it's common in children and adults and responds well to the correct treatment. In fact it is not caused by a worm at all but by a fungus which is picked by skin contact often with an animal (cats, dogs and rodents are the usual culprits) or with another person.

Ringworm usually causes circular patches of reddened skin approximately 1-10 cm in diameter on the face trunk or limbs. The edge of the patch is clearly defined and may be raised with lots of small blisters and/or lumps. As the disease progresses the centre of the patch heals giving the ringed appearance so typical of ringworm.

As your son's rash is quite extensive it will help if your doctor sends scrapings of skin from the rash to the laboratory to identify the strain of ringworm and the type of anti fungal which will be most effective in treating it.

Treatment is usually with an anti-fungal cream such as clotrimazole, econazole or miconazole. This has to be continued for 14 days after the rash clears up otherwise the fungus has a habit of recurring - in total you or your son will end up having to apply cream twice a day for about a month which takes all your powers of persuasion in any child!

Lesions which are not covered by your son's clothing should be covered up with a loose gauze dressing whilst your child is at school to prevent it spreading as because it is contagious. It is passed on by body contact - swimming in public baths should be avoided. He should use his own towel and not share baths at home.

Ringworm can affect the scalp in children - there is a defined bald patch with brown scaling of the skin and tiny broken off hairs (called exclamation mark hairs) just visible in the patch. This type of ringworm should have scrapings sent for laboratory testing and needs several weeks of treatment with oral anti-fungal medication.

If your son's ringworm does not respond to treatment with antifungal creams after one month or if the rash worsens during this time it would be helpful for your GP to refer him to a dermatologist. Your son will be examined to make sure the rash is caused by ringworm and is not due to another problem such as eczema or psoriasis.

The dermatologist will usually shine an ultra-violet light at your son's skin - any ringworm shows up with a fluorescent glow which helps to establish the diagnosis. Skin scrapings will probably also be sent to the laboratory to confirm the strain of ringworm.

Most children respond well to the appropriate antifungal cream and it is only occasionally that oral medication with an anti-fungal is needed.

We recommend readers seek personal medical attention in appropriate circumstances.