The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

CES goes full pandemic with smart masks, stickers to detect covid and the biggest WiFi update in years

The annual consumer tech conference in Las Vegas was forced online in 2021 — but that hasn’t stopped the flow of products like the BioButton, the Bose Sport Open Earbuds and the LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator

January 15, 2021 at 12:26 p.m. EST
(Washington Post illustration; images from Airpop, BioIntelliSense, Yukai Engineering, Samsung and iStock)

SAN FRANCISCO — At CES, the tech industry’s biggest showcase, covid-19 has inspired new products to power extreme digital living. Here comes a big WiFi update, smart masks and even robot comfort cats.

The pandemic has also forced the event online. Instead of gathering 171,268 geeks in Las Vegas for a week of gadget demos, schmoozing and hiking conference halls, CES this year is all virtual, featuring thousands of competing Zoom streams at all times of the day and night. We warmed up our webcams and watched hours of product presentations so you don’t have to.