Current Affairs

Healing hemorrhoids

By Dr. Marsha Barnett
Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen veins located around the anus. They can either be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External hemorrhoids, which are more common, develop outside of the anus and are therefore always visible. The condition is very common as approximately 50% of adults have hemorrhoids by the age of 50 Fortunately, they are treatable.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

In many patients, the only symptom one has a hemorrhoid is the presence of a lump or swelling near the anus that may be painful or itchy at times. Blood being seen on the tissue or in the toilet is also a common indicator that you may have a hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoids may however cause extreme pain and even leakage of stool on the under garments.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Whilst there isn’t a single cause for hemorrhoids, they are frequently seen in persons who have a history of chronic constipation or straining during bowel movements. Recurrent bouts of constipation or diarrhea as well as consistent anal intercourse increase one’s risk. Consistent heavy lifting, being obese or being pregnant also lends one to a propensity to developing hemorrhoids.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?

Simply looking at the anus may be enough to diagnose a hemorrhoid as most are external and therefore visible on the outside of the anus. Even so, your doctor will most likely do a digital rectal examination, checking for internal hemorrhoids and any other anal conditions which might be causing your symptoms. If unsure, or if any additional condition is being checked for, a sigmoidoscopy may be done. This involves using a small fiber-optic camera, called a sigmoidoscope, which fits into a small tube and is then inserted into your rectum. This allows your doctor to get a clear view of the inside of your rectum.

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

Depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids and associated symptoms, over the counter treatments, prescription medicines and even surgical intervention may be the treatment option of choice.

Home remedies

Because pain is a primary symptom of hemorrhoids, most patients will use over the counter pain killers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for symptomatic relief. Sitz baths or cold compresses can also lend reprieve. Over-the-counter topical treatments, which contain hemorrhoid creams with or without hydrocortisone may also be used for relief of pain and itching. Because stooling can be painful and also aggravate the condition, the use of fiber supplements can help guarantee smooth passage of stool without an exacerbation of the symptoms.

Medical solutions

If you see your doctor for your hemorrhoids, you will probably be advised on the over the counter treatments as they are used along with medical treatments. If the hemorrhoid is inflamed and swollen, a course of medicines, which are plant based with active ingredients called flavonoids may be prescribed as it has been shown to shrink them.

According to the severity of the hemorrhoids and the problems they may be causing, surgical procedures be suggested. These procedures range from applying a rubber band or injecting a chemical to the blood supply of the hemorrhoid thereby forcing it to shrink, to surgically removing the hemorrhoid, a procedure called hemorrhoidectomy.

Preventing hemorrhoids

Consuming foods that are high in dietary fiber can minimize the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Fiber helps create bulk in the intestines and softens the stool, making it easier to pass. Increasing your water consumption and weekly exercise sessions will also increase the regularity of your bowel movements. To prevent or avoid worsening hemorrhoids, avoid straining during a bowel movement and use the restroom as soon as you feel the urge to have a bowel movement.

*Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general practitioner who also specialises in dermatology. For questions or comments, please contact her at [email protected] or at Associated Medical Practices - 946-4242.

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