Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Expect some limitations if your policy covers dentures

Most full dental insurance policies include some restorative coverage, usually meaning that up to 50% of the cost of dentures is covered. Regular deductibles and co-pays still apply, so the actual cost to the patient is always a substantial amount.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, dental insurance does cover dentures.
  • It is considered a major procedure and is generally covered at 50% of the cost, with you paying the balance.
  • Due to the annual maximum coverage limit, timing is of the essence; if you get dentures in a year when you have already had other procedures, your coverage may end up being considerably less than 50%.
  • Consider the best dental insurance companies to ensure you have the best coverage for your dentures.

What Does Dental Insurance Typically Cover?

Dental insurance has an annual maximum coverage cap which is $1,500 or higher in about 63% of PPO plans on the market. It covers procedures strictly related to health and wellness, and many dental insurance plans have three-tier structure known as 100-80-50.

  • 100% covered for preventive care, such as annual cleanings, X-rays, and sealants
  • 80% covered for basic procedures, such as fillings, extractions, and periodontal treatment for gum disease
  • 50% covered for major procedures, such as crowns, bridges, inlays, and dentures

Most plans focus on preventive and basic care, and not all procedures are covered.

Depending on your plan, root canals can fall into either the basic or major category.

Limitations of Dental Insurance

Most insurance companies have a waiting period for new patients, though there are some that don’t. This waiting period usually applies to nonemergency procedures, such as dentures. It typically ranges from a few to 12 months.

Annual coverage limits, which can be as low as $1,000, can result in a situation where a lost filling or cavity earlier in the year has already eaten up a large portion of that year’s dental allowance. This would likely result in dentures being covered at less than 50%, so you have to be strategic about when you plan for certain procedures.

Some dental insurance plans, including options offered by some employers, have lower monthly costs but may offer little to no coverage for more major items and procedures such as dentures. Patients must foot the entire bill for dentures in these cases. If it is possible to wait, it may be wise to switch providers or change plans to an option that includes denture coverage, as the savings can easily outweigh the higher monthly cost.

Dental insurance for seniors is often structured to cover different procedures, which can save you money as you age and develop more dental problems.

Discount Plans

Discount dental plans are not insurance. They represent a group that has negotiated discounts and fixed prices for specific dental procedures at a limited number of dental professionals in the area. Those lacking dental insurance altogether—and those with limited coverage insurance—may find savings of up to anywhere from 10% to 60% compared with regular prices. Your discount is given at the time you have your procedure, and you must pay at that time.

Because annual coverage limits generally top out at $1,500, while dentures usually start at $2,500 for an upper or lower plate, you will end up paying a large amount out of pocket when using dental insurance to get dentures. Discount dental plans have no waiting periods or annual coverage limits, so if you can find the right plan, you may do better using one of them to pay for dentures rather than using dental insurance.

Before signing up for a discount dental plan, make sure that the coverage meets your needs. Also, check that the participating dentists in the area do not have prohibitively long waiting lists for new patients.

What Is Considered a Restorative Dental Procedure?

A restorative dental procedure focuses on repairing damage to your teeth and gums. This can include fillings, bridges, implants, and dentures. Other than fillings, these procedures are considered major work, and most dental plans will not cover more than 50% of them.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

The cost of dentures varies based on how many teeth you are having replaced and the materials being used. In the United States, the average cost of full traditional dentures is around $1,800 and often ranges between $1,000 and $3,000.

What Is a Waiting Period In Insurance?

An insurance waiting period is the time you must wait after you sign up for coverage before your plan goes into effect. This period is typically between three months and one year, but may vary a bit outside that range. If you have dental work done during the waiting period for that type of procedure, your insurance will not cover it.

The Bottom Line

Dentures are considered a major procedure, and most dental insurance plans will cover 50% of the cost. However, there are limitations that can increase how much you are responsible for paying.

If you have already had a number of dental procedures done, you may have reached out maximum coverage for the year and be left paying for your dentures out-of-pocket. You may also be left paying out-of-pocket if you are still in your plan's waiting period. To ensure that the cost of your dentures is covered, be strategic about when you have the procedure done.

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  1. National Association of Dental Plans. "Understanding Dental Benefits."

  2. Delta Dental of Washington. "What Are Dental Insurance Waiting Periods?"

  3. GoodRx Health. "How Much Do Dentures Cost?"