Elison Alice 2018c


BLACKFOOT — A family-owned business demonstrated a breakthrough innovation in cattle handling at the Eastern Idaho State Fair last week. The Arrowquip Q-Catch 86 series squeeze chute is engineered so well that it is possible for a single person to care for an entire herd.

“I have never handled beef-cattle equipment before now,” said Mont Howard, owner of Howard Equipment and Supply in Shelley. “I’ve handled mostly supplies for dairies. In June of 2017 I started selling this line and learned there are more local beef operations out there than I ever imagined. These chutes have sold very well.”

Alice Elison is a regular correspondent for Intermountain Farm & Ranch. She is an aspiring author and cookie-baking grandma. She can be reached by contacting her at 208-681-7266 or aelison@eoni.com.

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