What is
Down Syndrome?

Know the facts

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. A normal person has 46 chromosomes but in this a person has 47 chromosomes.

Alternative names

It is also known as Trisomy 21.

Down sydrome is one of the most common causes of human birth defects.


It happens when there is an extra copy of
 Chromosome 21

No matter the severity of the condition, persons with Down Syndrome have a widely-recognized appearance.

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It can vary from person to person.


Decreased muscle tone at birth
Flattened nose
Separated joints between the bones of the skull.
Small ears & mouth
Upward slanting eyes
Wide short hands & short fingers.

Common Physical Signs:


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Physical development is often slower.
A child may also have delayed mental development.

CoMmon ProBlems

1. Impulsive behavior
2. Poor judgment
3. Short attention span
4. Slow learning

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Common problems

Other tests are:

1. Blood Test
2. Echocardiogram 
3. ECGX-rays of the chest & gastrointestinal tract

Doctors can make an initial diagnosis on a baby's appearance

Exams & Tests

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