Here’s How to Do a Kidney Cleansing at Home with these Home Remedies

Kidney cleansing is all about understanding what you eat. So eat accordingly and see for the results. These simple home remedies are perfect kidney cleansers
Here’s How to Do a Kidney Cleansing at Home with these Home Remedies

Kidneys are an essential organ, which more or less regulates the functioning of the body. Kidney infections are severe and require immediate medical treatment. If left untreated, it could permanently damage the kidney. You may have heard that people often go for a liver or a colon cleansing but end up forgetting the most important organ in the body, i.e. the kidney. A vital organ to regulate water in the body, one has to be extremely careful in maintaining kidney health to keep away from problems like:

  • Water retention
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections

Apart from taking medications, there are many home remedies available to keep a check on your kidney health. Kidney cleansing is essential to ensure complete health and wellbeing. There are several herbs and food items that are known to have healing properties for kidney-related problems. 

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Herbs for Kidney Detox

Herbs are important elements to go in for kidney detox. Following are the most important herbs that are said to be effective kidney cleansers:

  • Rehmannia: Extensively used in traditional Chinese supplements, one can take this herb in the form of supplements to have a healthy kidney.
  • Stinging Nettle: Packed with vitamin C, this herb helps in flushing out excess of liquids from the kidney, eliminating the chances of water retention. It invariably increases the urge to urinate more. All this leads to the elimination of water and sodium in excess from the body.
  • Burdock root: Also available in the form of tea, this herb also helps in increasing the urge to urinate. In turn, it helps in the elimination of waste from the body. 

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Wonder Foods

Apart from herbs, one can also resort to foods that are high on components that lead to a refreshed kidney. Following are the lost of superfoods that can be taken for a thorough kidney cleansing:

  • Black Cherries and cranberries: Considered best to prevent and control symptoms of UTI, this fruit helps in clearing of extra body fluids. Having it in the form of smoothies, juices, dried form or just as a fruit, this fruit, if taken regularly, can be a great way to kick-start your cleansing trail. 
  • Spinach: High in antioxidants and Vitamin, this power food helps in kidney cleansing. However, having too much of anything can be dangerous. The same way, too much of spinach in your diet can lead to kidney stones. Spinach mixed with beet can be an excellent combination for kidney detox. 
  • Lemon: Lemon is the best to aid digestion as it helps in clearing of the stomach. Taking lemon juice at any time of the day can be useful to control kidney stones.
  • Seaweed: This helps the body stay free from heavy metals. Have it in the form of a smoothie or a juice; this helps in thorough kidney cleansing. 
  • Parsley: Parsley juice is an excellent kidney cleanser as it helps flush out the bacteria from the kidneys. 
  • Apples: This fruit is dense in nutrients. Apples help in keeping the acidic levels in urine intact, limiting the growth of bacteria.

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