Gisselquist Technology recently posted a good blog article about metastability and common solutions. If you are trying to learn FPGAs, you’ll want to read it. If you know a lot about FPGAs ...
$$({\rm{N}}{{\rm{a}}_{{\rm{0}}{\rm{.04}}}}{\rm{C}}{{\rm{a}}_{{\rm{0}}{\rm{.02}}}}{{\rm{K}}_{{\rm{2}}{\rm{.03}}}}{\rm{)(A}}{{\rm{l}}_{{\rm{3}}{\rm{.54}}}}{\rm{F}}{{\rm ...
Metastability is first described on physical grounds, following which more rigorous approaches to its description are developed. Many relevant examples are considered from the point of view of the ...
Note the simulator has a metastability problem (see below) loading the JK flip flop from a link. If the Q output oscillates, go to the Circuits menu and under Sequential Logic, select Flip Flops ...
For example, a class of metastability bugs cannot be demonstrated on an RTL model using simulation. To simulate these issues requires a gate-level model with timing, which is often not available until ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...