April is National Donate Life Month. Donate Life honored organ donors and recognized recipients who received a lifesaving transplant on Wednesday, April 10. Donate Life rose a fl ...
Looking for the perfect mother’s day gift? This Mother’s Day gift guide includes 26 of the top gifts that moms are guaranteed ...
“I was shocked at the high cost, estimated at RM30,000, so I am truly grateful for this most precious gift from Her Majesty,” he said. Tunku Azizah, founder of the Tunku Azizah Fertility ...
NASA has announced that its initial plans for Mars Sample Return Mission have crumbled under delays, costs, and the expected ...
When your body expires, your soul will either be welcomed into Heaven or dragged away to Hell There is not a third option ...
Lynne Meredith Golodner is a writer, journalist, public relations pro, entrepreneur, and author of nine books. Her bylines ...
I have begun to realize that one of the most precious commodities we have is time. Think about it. Our time on the planet is ...
If you need a good gift for mom on mother's day, Jamey Tucker suggests a few gadgets that can help you make a video of ...
A sweet set of relationships are developing through a lost art: letter writing between Pen Pals. The children of Roosevelt ...
Mother’s Day is coming up in a few weeks. For years, you’ve given her flowers, plants, gift cards, perfume, and clothing ...