Gothenburg, Sweden – April 24, 2024: According to a new market research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the ...
ONE car is stolen every 240 seconds in the UK, with thieves using hi-tech robbery kits including computer-hacking devices, ...
Individuals in any part of the world, including Nigeria, can now check every detail about a vehicle in Europe, United States, and Canada before purchasing it by using a new technology known as ...
Canvey’s Dr Feelgood suffered the theft of original bassist and founding member Phil Mitchell’s van, which was stocked with ...
Organized crime groups driving Canada's worst-ever auto theft epidemic are adapting by increasingly selling hot vehicles in ...
For the past year, five fit, academically superior men and women have been spun in centrifuges, submerged for hours, deprived ...
Nearly two dozen charges have been filed against 9 suspects in connection to the nearly $20 million Canadian dollar heist in ...
The story of Lebanese Forces coordinator Pascal Sleiman’s murder on April 7 is still unfolding. His body was found in a Syrian village near Lebanon’s Hermel district, where stolen cars often cross ...
The European Union's top diplomat urged Group of Seven foreign ministers on Thursday to take quick, concrete steps to provide ...
The high-profile hackings of Target in 2013 and Uber in 2016 brought put cybersecurity in the national spotlight. However, ...