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Shiloh Farms Organic Sweet Apricot Kernels 11 Oz
Wholesome, Healthy Foods. USDA Organic. Non-GMO. Kosher. SHILOH FARMS looks to the fullness of nature's bounty for products made with only the purest ingredients. Never fake, never artificial - only authentic, wholesome flavor, the way nature intended! The small seed of the apricot (found within its pit), sweet apricot kernels closely rese…
Wholesome, Healthy Foods. USDA Organic. Non-GMO. Kosher. SHILOH FARMS looks to the fullness of nature's bounty for products made with only the purest ingredients. Never fake, never artificial - only authentic, wholesome flavor, the way nature intended! The small seed of the apricot (found within its pit), sweet apricot kernels closely resemble almonds in taste and texture, imparting a sweet, nutty flavor and pleasant crunch. Sweet apricot kernels are exceptionally nutritious, providing generous amounts of protein, iron, calcium and B vitamins in particular.
User Reviews
Wholesome, Healthy Foods. USDA Organic. Non-GMO. Kosher. SHILOH FARMS looks to the fullness of nature's bounty for products made with only the purest ingredients. Never fake, never artificial - only authentic, wholesome flavor, the way nature intended! The small seed of the apricot (found within its pit), sweet apricot kernels closely resemble almonds in taste and texture, imparting a sweet, nutty flavor and pleasant crunch. Sweet apricot kernels are exceptionally nutritious, providing generous amounts of protein, iron, calcium and B vitamins in particular.