The first line, divided, shows the caldron overthrown and its feet turned up. (But) there will be advantage in its getting rid of what was bad in it. (Or it shows us) the concubine (whose position is improved) by means of her son. There will be no error. ✕ Click to Clear 256/1000 | ✕ Swap languages | Sorry, something went wrong. Try refreshing the pageYou have exceeded the amount of allowed translations. Please try again later. DebugID: Only the first 1000 characters can be translated at once ✕ Regenerate with AI |
Other ways to say the first line, divided, shows the caldron overthrown and its feet turned up. (but) there will be advantage in its getting rid of what was bad in it. (or it shows us) the concubine (whose position is improved) by means of her son. there will be no error.
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