The fourth line, undivided, shows one from whose buttocks the skin has been stripped, and who walks slowly and with difficulty. (If he could act) like a sheep led (after its companions), occasion for repentance would disappear. But though he hear these words, he will not believe them. ✕ Click to Clear 287/1000 | ✕ Swap languages | Sorry, something went wrong. Try refreshing the pageYou have exceeded the amount of allowed translations. Please try again later. DebugID: Only the first 1000 characters can be translated at once ✕ Regenerate with AI |
Other ways to say the fourth line, undivided, shows one from whose buttocks the skin has been stripped, and who walks slowly and with difficulty. (if he could act) like a sheep led (after its companions), occasion for repentance would disappear. but though he hear these words, he will not believe them.
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